Things that continue to be right…or things that float your 🐐

This weekend. Absolute belter. Juhy junior has been injured so we’d less commitments than usual. We hit a mental dance show in the fringe festival on friday night. The little lady, who loves dancing, hated it, he fucking loved it.
No gaa saturday so myself and the kids hit out for a cycle saturday morning, then i hit up a load of jobs that had been on the list on saturday afternoon. Then myself and mrs J went for an evening pint. Quality. Blanked pints sat night so i could run this morning. Spent the night buzzing with mrs j and the kids looking at holiday options for a winter sun break. Great craic.
Hit howth for first light today and ran the cliff walk. Honestly one of the best runs you could imagine, amazing views and savage run. Coffee with the lads after then picked up a few mackerel fillets for today. Day rolling into his team’s match then her camogie (v kilmacud- no sign of any cargo panted dodgy bastard). Supping a little this evening while doing a bit of work.
Trying not to overdo it so i can hit the gym am but you cant have everything i suppose…


Conker season. Little lady went ape at hurl being lashed into the trees in Phoenix park and all sorts of treasures falling down.


Watching your son score 4 (four) goals in a magnificent 7 (seven) - 0 win in the Central Coast Football Association Men’s Premier League semi final (think Senior county championship, except the county is the size of Leinster).
Grand Final this Saturday. After spending large parts of his life with academy and representative teams, this is his first ever final (he’s 21).
His mother is having a nervous breakdown this week.


Amazing @Fitzy enjoy every minute.

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Couldn’t follow that at all but I gave it a like anyway.


My auld lassie (83) started going to the gym 3 times a week there a few years ago with some active age crowd.Theres about 20 of them and they love it


That’ll do fagan. It was a fairly hectic weekend alright. It involved a drive by of your place too. 5 lads driving round the estate in a ford focus at about 6.45 yesterday morning

An all time classic. Dave the outrageous tin roofer :sweat_smile:

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The poor bastard. He still gets stick over it


Do you know him?


I brought the kids across the road today and picked a bag of blackberries with them… We had a lovely bit of blackberry crumble with ice-cream for pudding after our tea tonight.

It’s the little things :ok_hand:


I’ve gone again… Cracking day out here in south central cork


Lapsed poster @ironmoth waxed lyrical about a Blackberry infused whiskey a couple of years ago.

I tried it, following his instructions, and found it too sweet altogether for my palate.

Our little lass gone stone mad on them too. She got to make blackberry jam a few weeks ago and usually picks a few on the walk home from school :raised_hands:

I’d say we’re down to the last few days of them now… Get out and start picking

A week of decent weather with the schools gone back. Able to go to a beach or a cove and relax without having to endure all the little bolloxes acting the jennet.