Things that make you a cunt

I donā€™t recline my seat if thereā€™s someone behind me, unless Iā€™ve asked, and even then Iā€™ll only do it an inch if itā€™s making my back sore.
I wonder if heā€™d asked her nicely not to, and sheā€™d ignored him. I suspect that sheā€™s a hatchet faced oul bich, and heā€™s a weirdo.


Only a cunt puts back the seat on a plane.


Two capital CCS there.

On second thoughts, looks like both of them were enjoying themselves.

Iā€™ve posted about this before. If someone reclines a seat back on me Iā€™ll spend the flight boring my knees into their seat and then letting it go.


You sound like youā€™re an awful cunt with that type behaviour

When I flew to Colombia one time I put my seat straight back to go to sleep and the French guy behind started at that exact shite trying to punch and bang the back of my seat. There was lots of seats on the plane. That definitely made him a cunt.

If it was me glas, Iā€™d have moved to one with noone behind and put my seat back then.


You must have very patient knees.


If it was you, you would have been in Business Class.


Interesting. Why would anyone expect someone to keep their seat upright for whatever it was, a 12 of 14 hour flight? I told him stop hitting my seat and move somewhere else if he wanted, he stopped. Iā€™d been out all night and it was 9 am taking off. I slept all the way there waking only when they brought food and going straight back to sleep again, it was great.

Iā€™m alright Jack

Just fuck back the seat as far as itā€™ll go without saying please or thank you.

Iā€™d have fucked a bottle water over you




What an absolutely brilliant brilliant film.

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Loved all his at that time and not too bad as chief o Brien either

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I was on a long haul flight out of Heathrow and before we took off the cunt in front dropped his seat as far back as itā€™d go. I asked him politely could he move it as I had no leg room. He said he had to sleep. I told him heā€™d be getting no sleep and gave it a good dig every couple of minutes until he moved it.


Iā€™m sorry to say it mate but you were definitely the cunt in that interaction


As a forum member who is north of 6 foot, I have very little leg room on flights anyway. One of my passive aggressive tricks to coping with this, picked up from a Chinese man so you know itā€™s proper ignorant, is to repeatedly get up by grabbing the seat in front of me and pulling myself up with it. Ideally wait until the cunt is just drifting off


Dunno. A 14 hour flight is something Iā€™d give leeway for. A shorthaul to the likes of the UK wouldnā€™t bring up the need to let your seat back. Iā€™d be with @glasagusban on this one



what makes @glasagusban a cunt in this instance, and an absolute one mind, is that there were loads of other seats on the plane, but cunt chops wanted his cake and he wanted to eat it too. He could quite easily have got up, moved one seat forward and reclined away billy-o, but no, our hero reclines into the poor chaps personal space and then tell him to get up and move if he doesnā€™t like it.