Things that make you a cunt

No problem if someone says it before hand.

Glas reclined back into your mans face without a word and then told him to fuck off to one of the empty seats if hed a problem

In fairness, @Chucks_Nwoko doesn’t know much about paying customers, or anyone else for that matter.

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That doesn’t even make sense. Go again, kid.

Have a little think and come back to me

6 in the morning is a bit early to be clutching at straws, kid.

It’s not 6 in the morning everywhere

Sticking a big buttery knife back into the honey or jam jar.


Nah. Sticking a knife full of Nutella into the butter is what gets the other half rampant with rage

Ah ffs Mike you’re taking the piss here. The woman’s a saint to put up with that shit.

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I’m a born Messer chief.

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You need to sit her down, look her in the eye/eyes and ask her what’s really bothering her. Let us know how you get on

The father-in-law-to-be does this with instant coffee granules and honey. I thought it was some new class of craft honey the first time I spotted the little bits floating in it, like manuka honey for people who are so over manuka honey. It gave that bowl of porridge a great little kick anyways.


Does he put the coffee into a cup with a knife?

To recline, or not to recline, that is the question

From what I can tell he dips the spoon into the honey, then into coffee, then decides he needs another spoon of honey and dips again. I’ve never caught him in the act, and to be honest am still coming to terms with the concept of a mug of Maxwell House with a couple of spoons of honey, but he has freely admitted to it. I have seen this man pick up a steak and start eating it with his bare hands (and then fuck the remaining gristle at the dog under the table), so anything is possible really.


Raw or cooked?

Cooked, Jesus he is not a complete animal.

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He’s not far off :nerd_face:

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Yep, that’ll do it alright