Things that make you a cunt

Bad boyz , bad boyz… What you gonna do when they come for you.

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Is it fun? That’s actually quite sad

Can’t wait for the clergy to arrive, really makes the competition.

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Typical that it would be the Cork fellas without the sense of humor

You’d miss the auld friday 4pm finish though

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Private poll and Saturday finish will certainly mean less activity on the thread, you have to give youth go though.

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@backinatracksuit and @EstebanSexface are still relatively new around here, cut them some slack.

We were voting on this before your shoe photos were a twinkle in your eye.


They’re chaps, but you can tell when lads just aren’t worth the socks in their shoes sometimes.

Its all a bit passive aggresive though, the need to comment on threads that they apparently have no interest in, yet apparently read. Self appointed thread police if you will.


The mute thread option is a gift. They should look into it.

Can you mute threads?

Iv a few posters on mute. It’s a game changer…


I’m a big fan of the ‘mute threads’ button as @myboyblue knows well. Rugby, NFL, horse racing, etc. all muted

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You have every right to vote for another human being you don’t know as cunt of the year.

I’ve every right to call you pathetic for doing it.

Not passive. Not aggressive.

It’s an absolute game changer.

You come onto a NFL forum and put NFL threads on mute??

He’s here for the Bella and Fair City thread

Yes. I’ve no interest in it.

I think you would be more at home on a forum like they would love you over there.

Good to know. I’m OK with avoiding threads. It’s when the inane lunatics arrive in where you don’t expect them is v annoying