Things that make you a cunt

What’s skin?

That’s enough of that now, you’ve had your say.

Keep out of this langer

Are you ok?

looks like youve roused the limerick contingent here.

It’s hard to get roused when I haven’t a gods notion what the man is on about.

He thinks you’re involved with Na Piarsaigh mate. He’s a snakey cunt

A few Junior B hurlers at best.

Only seeing 3 of the below as cunts

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Voting in a cunt of the year competition as a grown man

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It’s tradition. Like bread sauce at Christmas … It’s sacred.


A ritual?

Lads could do with growing up

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We are all children at Christmas time pal…you should embrace the child in you every now and again, keeps you young.

It suits the oul sheep, the COVID has been a Godsend

And that hilarious moment when the ‘clergy’ get involved, it’d crack you up

You can embrace it without voting on other human beings as cunts.

Like the news or late late, you don’t have to turn it on you know.

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Go way you cunt.

Ah jaysus, no offence mate,

I don’t want to offend your sacred traditions

Apology accepted.

The fun police on the prowl again