Things that make you realise you are getting old

That’s fair enough given the shit that music stations play nowadays, it’s utterly pitiful what passes for chart music for these youngsters.

I used to be with it, then they changed what it was :frowning:

completing a school project for my son where he has to ask me questions about my childhood and it is a History Project titled Long Ago

I stuck on Radio Nova last week and realised it was the first time I had changed radio station from Newstalk in about 6 months. I just stick on a CD if I’m in the car at times when there’s shit on Newstalk.

Being booked into a snoring course by your mrs.

A course? Is your snoring not up to scratch?

Its fucking Biblical mate - thats the problem

Life is for living you cunts.

“It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Life is long enough, and a sufficiently generous amount has been given to us for the highest achievements if it were all well invested. But when it is wasted in heedless luxury and spent on no good activity, we are forced at last by death’s final constraint to realize that it has passed away before we knew it was passing. So it is: we are not given a short life but we make it short, and we are not ill-supplied but wasteful of it… Life is long if you know how to use it.” - Seneca

I now ask the barber to give my eye brows a quick trim when getting my haircut.

Ever have them do the ears? Had a Turkish fella do it once during a hot towel shave. An interesting experience.

You near have a heart attack watching a cricket match.

Chatting with one of the ladies in work and she tells me she is going out on an 80’s themed hens. I said sure you must have been in nappies during the 80’s and she says she wasn’t even born in the 80’s that she was born in 91. It hit me then just how fucking old I am. I was finishing up in secondary school in 91. :frowning:

When they offer to trim the nose hair without being asked is when you realise you are no longer loves young dream.

Wait till they charge you extra for trimming ear hair. :slight_smile:

people look blankly at you when you talk about doing the inter cert

Or the matric?

At least the inter cert was a proper exam and not the dumb downed shit the Junior Cert is.

I remember doing tests called the Drumcondra test in Primary school.


Well that speaks for itself.