Things that make you unreasonably angry or get your 🐐

Or having a full fucking conversation on speaker too. Fit to throttle the inconsiderate cunts

Whatever about people ringing them, you could maybe tolerate but I suffered some biddy on the train the other week going through her contacts and ringing them all with the same story about something that happened in work.

How long was the train journey?


I hear ya

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About 25 mins. She got about 3 or 4 calls in with I assume the people on the other end making their excuses after a while

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Queuing makes you feel powerless. Whatever about queuing, queue jumpers are ten times worse.


It doesn’t make me angry but i was mildly disconcerted and disorientated when i discovered the mods had removed all my ‘great replies’. Now i know how fellow dissident Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn felt when his books were banned in his native russia.

Colm Brophy and that useless cunt in the Phoenix park

The bastards at a cash machine that need to check the balance on every fucking account


The one thing that really bugs me is the stupid cunts ahead of you in the supermarket who are at the till snd just as they are about to pay , realise theyve forgotten something and soend ten minutes down the aisles looking for it


Them Dunnes vouchers are killers.

They’re either trying to fill a voucher or spend enough to get another voucher.
Silly stuff…

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I was literally grumbling to my better half about her tendency to do this half an hour ago. She told me I was too easily wound up about such stuff and there wasn’t another soul out there that would be put out by it. I told her “the fellas on TFK” would definitely not appreciate such behaviour.

And here we are.


That’s a fact

Fuckers cause (d) more hassle in chioooers etc

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The cyclists who cycle three a breast and then indignant to moving over on the road.


You’ll never stop her. The best you can do is make sure she has her contingent purchase pre-determined and that it is near the tills.

You’re not in ET lads.