Things that make you unreasonably angry or get your šŸ

Attack attack attack

A can of coke Zero exploded in the fridge during the night. Blew the door open and knocked two of my bottles of Newcastle Brown Ale onto the floor. One broke.

Iā€™m unreasonably angryā€¦


Youā€™d want your head examined to be drinking soft drinks

That can of Coke Zero has been sitting there a while. Theyā€™re the wifeā€™s.
She switched recently from Coke Zero to Diet 7-Up, thinking that the Coke was the source of all her ills.
In truth, itā€™s probably the Bacardiā€¦


But youā€™re probably the reason for the bacardi if she goes back to the original sourceā€¦


How did it explode? Did it freeze or something?

He put the mentos in beside it.

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All those suger free drinks are way fizzier than the regular one. I avoid them for that and they taste shit


Frampton throwing digs at McGuigan. Tit.

The soft drinks fridge in any store is a nightmare these days. It took me a solid ten minutes a while back to find a can of regular coke. To top it all off , you now nearly feel more guilty buying a can of regular stuff than if you bought a packet of fags

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Recent studies show the sugar free are worse for you, saying that all that sugar isnt good either.

Cant bate a real coke


You canā€™t but the way things are going, itā€™ll be easier to get a line of the powder stuff then it will to get a can of the liquid stuff

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It may have yea.
That fridge doesnā€™t have an automatic defrost.

Thinly veiled ā€œI have two fridgesā€

Itā€™s only one of those small drinks fridges.


A neighbour tried to buy one during lockdown. They couldnā€™t be got for love nor money.

I tell the kids to drink full fat as itā€™s better than the other stuff.


You can get Mexican Coca Cola here. Itā€™s made with cane sugar. You pay a bit over the odds for it but itā€™s unreal.

Tis too especially for children

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I generally dont mid queueing as long as it is moving, airports, banks, taxiis even.
A good queue at a funeral for a family you know is a fine thing.

However I hate queueing at bars. I am the same if it is first round or tenth round.


Its not really a queue. Its more a scrum or a ruck.