Things to do before you die

Where do you want to see in the world? What do you want to see? The great works of art? Lions on the savannah? The ping ping show in Bangkok?

You must have been buying all of leitrim

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I’m currently feeling very adventurous but I’m withheld by caring for an incapicated wife.
I’d actually be quite content to see 2022 in the state we’re presently in. Those days of travel and exotic things are in the rear-view mirror


God :pray: no

Fair enough and I’m sorry to hear that, fair play to you
If there’s ever one place you wanted to see don’t be shy on saying and it’ll be funded.

The skelligs is an amazing spot nothing much like it in Ireland but a few pints and wild nights in famous drinking establishments would be as good experience as you could have I’d say

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Thanks pal. That’s the real beauty of this forum, they’re all considerate, sound guys.

The idea that Joe Canning is the GOAT is only for discussion purposes when Shane Dowling actually is*

*Cudda been…


Get a tattoo
Fuck a goat
Learn an instrument and play a song in public
See Mount Fuji
Have an affair
Shoot an Englishman
Acknowledge your heirs
Try gay
Run for public office
Fuck a turkey

Best of luck with all them mate.

What do you think boxty should do?

Maybe open a bank account to pay for his funeral expenses

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Do the rest and you’ll get my vote, as well as the Turkey fucking tattooed philandering English hating buskers

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I’ve had bank accounts since the 1960’s I’d like to remind you. Many of them ended acrimoniously because of differences of equity. The fiscal crash of 2008 brought many of these what I’d call pencil-sharpeners to their milk when the blood from the turnip analogy struck home.
Banks are a necessary vehicle for those who don’t /can’t be trusted with money. Banks/Bankers are faceless, figure driven stumórs who’d struggle to find the value of a raincoat in a monsoon.

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Go mad the next time you’re in Derrylin and put white diesel in the Superb.That’ll give you a rush😀.


A pint of Guinness in the Crown in Belfast in the quiet of a nondescript day.
A swim in the Atlantic.
A coffee with friends.
A walk along an oul boreen of a day that’s dry and bright but not too hot.
Fishing in a river miles from anyone.
Sending a book out of nothing but kindness to a stranger.
All can be done easily.
Mostly, the company of friends.
I’d happily sort you out with the sopranos.
If you were to watch wan thing, I’d go with Chernobyl though.