Things Women Are Good At

Usual rules apply:

Only one thing per post and you can’t post twice in succession on the thread.

I’ll start -

Making terribly basic and embarrassing driving errors.

Multiple Orgasms


Crying for no apparent reason.

Being irrational

Camogie s

Talking shite

creating queues at points of purchase

Getting served quickly at a bar*

*woman must be attractive

Huddling around and intimidating babies.

causing queues at ATMs

Extracting milk from their nipples.

Buying unnecessary pairs of shoes.

having a “handbag” the size of a suitcase and not being able to get the phone out of it before it stops ringing, whilst throwing make up, brushes, headache pills, tampons, kitchen sinks out of it to try get to it, but always, never in time.

Keeping their face relatively free from hair*

*In around 10% of instances

wasting money

whining about being discriminated against

making mountains out of molehils

Seeking constant reassurance from men.

getting thick for no apparent reason and being moody as fuck…