Things you love about Ireland

Continuing the discussion from Things that annoy you about Ireland:

[quote=“Fagan_ODowd, post:92, topic:21733, full:true”].

Not much really. It’s a beautiful country with a temperate climate. It’s a safe place to live - very little in the way of crime or dangerous wildlife. We have a functioning democracy, reasonable infrastructure, abundant food and modest unemployment. We have a free press, a strong judiciary and a working constitution. Imprisonment without trial is a rarity, torture is unheard of and no secret police force (that I am aware of). Corruption is minimal. Pollution is virtually non existent by international norms. We have a generous and tolerant population. We have a rich and varied indigenous cultural heritage. We managed to free ourselves from foreign oppression and then had the wit to avoid getting involved in the carnage of World War 2.

I would say that Ireland comfortably sits within the best 10 countries in the world to live and we have little enough to be annoyed about.

Isn’t that just a lovely sentiment from Fagan?

I do concur that we’re hard on ourselves. Like, I get really frustrated by our politicians and how we vote, but even on politics we can be grateful that:

  1. We have no extreme right party with any sort of support. This is despite 13.1% of our population being born outside the State. The UK has a horrible problem with intolerance and anti-immigration violence and rhetoric and they have less than 12% born outside the country. It has taken us a long time to be a pluralist country, and we do have far more racism than I’d like to see, and we have too much inequality, but compare ourselves to other countries with a relatively sudden increase in immigration and I think we can be quite happy.

  2. Even FG are nowhere near as preachy, intolerant or arrogant as the Tories.

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end of the parade to throw in of a major championship game you are emotionally invested in when you have a singularity of thought only experienced very rarely in life


Seeing the Aer Lingus plane after a visit abroad to do international business as an international businessman


Our plugs and sockets are the best in the world

Johnny Logan’s Eurovision exploits.

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The “craic”

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Not leaving a cashier when you pay with exact change until you get a nod to do so


summer nights in Connemara where it is bright til 11.30

Our long twilight because of our proximity to the North Pole


'Fuck ‘em if they can’t take a joke’.

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US Immigration pre-clearance at Dublin Airport


This. The three pin round was a great plug/socket in its day too but the three pin square is the pinnacle of pluggery/socketry.


Our pig products. We have the best rashers, sausages and black puddings in the world.


We also have the best crisps and potato based snacks in the world.

Irish mammies. The best in the world.

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Some of our food products are up there alright, pal… Irish cheese is top notch and while we might slag it off, some of our recent attempts at beer and ale have been top notch… We also produce some good whiskey I beleive?

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It’s dying now - but pub etiquette and sing songs.

Irish bar men are also top notch by and large.


I’m fond of county Clare by the coast tbh. Milltown malbay, Doolin, Aran Islands etc. My kind of places.


We are a great bunch of lads (and lassies).