Things you love about Ireland

The arts…

Why we don’t sell ourselves more on this front is beyond me… Colleges throwing millions at science and the likes when we will never, ever be considered in that light. While of course there has to be a place for it, most of those graduates fuck-off and we never see half the produce…it’s to facilitate corporate America more than anything

We should be selling ourselves to the world as poets, musicians, playwrights etc. etc. Charge the Yanks, Brits and whoever thousands to come over to learn how to spake Anglo-Hibernian.

Saints and Scholars .

The poets, playwrights and musicians creative forces are now marshalled in movie special effects, animation, gaming, inventing technology winning Oscars and building billion dollar companies and Mrs Browns Boys

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The fact that all our wars are happy and all our songs are sad.


Our traditional music is some of the most well preserved and vibrant of any in the world. It’s also a living breathing tradition that is constantly being augmented and evolving, unlike in many other countries and traditions where it is reduced to a museum piece or at worst a Hokie caraciture.

Our use of the English language.


How many oscars have we won on that front, kid? Heaney won a Nobel prize… Yeats inspired a revolution and Bono cured the world of poverty.

You’ll never bate the Irish.

Off top of my head Ballyfermot College alumni have won two and been nominated for a few more.

It also produced Mickey Joe Harte

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Tis under threat, mind… Half the kids today speak with American accents… but you have to love local dialects in Ireland and the fact that they can change within such a short radius…

Sally O’Brien and the way she might look at you… the dirt.
Decent stout in a rural pub… fuck the craftys.
Being able to sit beside opposition supporters at GAA matches

@ChocolateMice IBallyfermot College of Further Education, though a small institution, has an international reputation that is unprecedented in the world of animation. The graduates of BCFE have amassed an impressive collection of awards and nominations. Animator Richard Baneham won an Oscar and BAFTA in the Visual Effects category for ‘Avatar’. Nicky Phelan and Darragh O’Connell, of Brown Bag Films, were nominated for an Oscar in the Short Animation category for ‘Granny O’Grimm’s Sleeping Beauty’ and Tomm Moore of Cartoon Saloon was nominate for an Oscar in the Animated Feature Film category for ‘The Secret of Kells

Brown Bag nominated for give up your oul sins too and produces Doc McStuffin and Henry hugglemonster which is written by an Irish girl

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I’ve heard it said that people that are musical or can sing can do accents better than your average Joe…I often wonder does our own inclination for the melodical play into the variance in accents in Ireland…

Our world class contribution to the arts over many centuries.

It all kicked off when the IDA convinced Sullivan Bluth to set up an animation studio in the Phoenix Park in 1985.

Our sideways rain. Even Gore-Tex can’t keep it out.

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Funerals and our respect for the dead. Grave digging traditions & wakes.


Thought you wrote “dogging” there for a second.

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Guinness, our rebellious nature, our tremendous impulses for jumping on bandwagens. Also our ‘wateboutery’
The west coast.

Going to a major championship game. Fucking and blinding with an opposition supporter sitting beside you. Shaking hands at the end of the game and going for a pint with him after.

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Beloved internet poster @thedancingbaby

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