Things you love about Ireland

he can take his data centres and 4 jobs and FRO


I love the pubs in Ireland. And attending live hurling. If either of them were taken from me I’d struggle

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“You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about,” said Dom Joly, the British comedy writer and creator of Trigger Happy TV.


I haven’t seen mention of that lad in yonks

White Anglo Saxon variety of American schmuck

Paddy spends years whinging about the country for years - some rich yank comes in and slates the place and he is the greatest cunt to walk the planet

Sulky racing

similar to the Irish chap who spends years giving out about Ireland until he fucks off and emigrates, then spends years out foreign going to the Irish pub and telling everyone how much he misses Ireland

As the English lads used to say about the Irishman in London

“ at work they talk about the pub & at the pub they talk about work “