Things you love about Ireland

My great grand father was called nigger…

Having no snakes.
No big tornados.
No earthquakes.

It behoves me to acknowledge its people as Ireland’s best asset.

The old-style bar men over 50 yes.

The young fellas are mostly cunts who don’t want conversation.

Lads that change their mind with the wind.

We have Fianna Fail though.


You really appreciate Irish bar men when you’ve been in the UK for a night out.

As an aside it was great being in the local over Christmas, just walk in and nod to the bar man.

There is nothing more despicable than a man who deliberately reneges on a round.

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I can’t wait until @Rocko reveals everyone’s TFK donations at the end of the month. It might well rock the forum to it’s core.

the Political system here is fantastic
its admirable the way none of the left wing parties are ever taken seriously by anyone of merit in the country and those who do claim to support them are too lazy to vote,those in power have an odd chuckle at their silliness and it allows for a momentary distraction from the business of the day.
We have free , open debate, a balanced political system run by people with their heads screwed on who know how to appease the proletariat when needed, let them march about the water, etc… there is also decent banter in the chamber from time to time… the taxation system here is relatively fair in comaprison to many places i have lived, and ( even if you are a freeloader or sponger which i despise but so be it) you do get a pretty good deal here from the taxes i pay


The latest social media craze -

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Ireland takes higher spot among world’s good guys
Aaron Rogan, Senior Ireland News Reporter

Ireland has risen to seventh place in world rankings that seek to measure countries’ broader contribution to the common good.

In the Good Country Index, Ireland was ranked first in the section on prosperity and equality, thanks to the amount of money invested in other countries relative to the size of the domestic economy. It also ranked highly for the quantities of fair trade goods in its economy and the number of people working for the UN.

Ireland was ranked 11th of the 163 countries on the index last year. Simon Anholt, the policy adviser who created the index, said that its purpose was to measure what each country contributes to the common good of humanity and what it takes away, relative to its size. Ireland was No 1 in 2009 due to a high level of generosity even though the country was mired in a deep recession.

Data for the latest ranking was taken from 2013 as it takes several years to analyse and interpret. Using 35 separate indicators sourced from the United Nations, World Bank and other international organisations, the survey examines the good each country does for humanity as well as what it takes away. Positive indicators include humanitarian aid and UN volunteers abroad. Negative ones include carbon dioxide emissions and arms exports. Although Ireland will fail to meet its EU 2020 targets for emissions, the index rated the country 10th overall for contributions to climate and the planet.

The index also assesses countries’ contributions to science and technology, culture, international peace and security, world order, the planet and climate, prosperity and equality, and the health and wellbeing of humanity.

The Netherlands came first overall, followed by Switzerland, Denmark, Finland and Germany. At seventh, Ireland was behind Sweden and ahead of Britain, Austria and Norway. Afghanistan was bottom of the table.

How the Irish ranked

Science and technology 32nd
Culture 8th
International peace and solidarity 50th
World order 21st
Planet and climate 10th
Prosperity and equality 1st
Health and wellbeing 2nd

That’s great. Give yourselves a pat on the back.

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Choco mustnt have been living in cork at this point and realised how big the pharma sector is in the region. We punch well above our weight in this regard

He’s doing a @mickee321 on it now and working night shift on a line packing boxes for one of the big multinationals. Making good money too so fair play to him.

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there’s nothing wrong with making momey

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There sure ain’t, bro.

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I’m sure they have done already.