How much does it cost roughly?
I wear glasses for distance and contacts for cycling and when I played a bit of football. Am thinking down the line of getting it done. New glasses every 3/4 years can cost around €200 + the contacts. Over a decade, easily spending €800+ on eyes.
Had the laser done in 2007. Brutal eye sight up to that.
Went with Optilase in Dublin because my health insurer at the time had some deal with them that you got a good few quid back for undergoing the procedure with them. Found them excellent. Check ups after one week, one month, three months etc.
Think it was about €3k at the time and got about 40% of that back in total from tax and health insurer. Pretty good, probably has come down in price since.
Procedure only took about 10 or 15 mins. Just look up into a red light, your eyes are kept open. Painless. Home to a dark room for 24 hours, took sick leave from work for the week to avoid looking at the computer and was as good as gold a week later. Still get a slight glare from traffic lights etc but I couldn’t recommend it enough anyway. Never wore contacts and so bit the bullet to get it done, as much for a vanity thing on nights out and for also playing 5 a side (I’m still shit at that though). A pal had it done and recommended them so that gave me the nudge. Best thing I ever did.
The only advice I’d give is that it’s your eyesight so I wouldn’t scimp on price. Go to the most reputable company and not necessarily a crowd abroad who might do it for half the price.
Something like 1 in 4 or 5 people can’t have laser eye done due to a stigma or shape of their eye etc.
Best of luck anyway. After having it done you’ll need glasses again a few decades down the line, as you would naturally anyway.
Had it done day before Henry handball goal. Got the Lasek. Less risky. Pain started about 12hours afterwards. 48 hours of fairly severe pain. Then grand. One of best things I ever did.
LASIK is painless. Slight risk as they cut a flap.
One of best things I ever did. Will need reading glasses soon enough I think
When the SSIA matured in 2004 iirc, went to get this done at the Mater Private. After consultation, was advised that my corneas were too thin for a successful operation to proceed. So I went and bought a new car instead.
The only car ever I bought new, the only place I was ever too thin…