Throne of Games - The Greatest Story Ever Told - Winter is here

I was only asking you to hold judgement as I never believed that they woudnt deliver … How wrong was I.

What happened to the Onion Knights offer of the Reach to the unsullied? A few minutes later they’re sailing off

if happy days has taught us anything, and it has, it’s this.

you don’t jump the shark.

fernandinho declined that outright


Is the whole debt to the Iron Bank just written off now too?

“kill the night king” may replace it as the common parlance after “nuke the fridge”

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Save the cheerleader, save the world.

Now there was a concept that had no idea where it was going.

He forgot to mention the lack of riding…

Some one is seriously rattled here … crossing threads he is so rattled … A cross threader. By god!


All hail Bran the Broken.

A leader among men.

First of his name. And the last since he can’t have kids. Who has a better story to tell, well bronn had a bit of a good story coming from poverty working his way up to be head of the Kings guard, and the only man to take down drogon for a couple of min. Saved the king slayer, tyrion,. Bran caused the deaths of many and passed no apology, hordor and the other two died, theon and many more. Fucking useless cunt.

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If Bran can see everything he knew Dany was going to destroy the city and did nothing. What a cunt

Finally this pile of steaming shite is over. No further analysis is required.

He saw a vision of it sure.

He knew it’d get him the throne. He knew Jon would have to kill her and remove his claim from it.

The three eyed vulture

Anyone know who this is escaping kings landing?

that’s some American Football chap that got a cameo.

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Correct but it’s like calling Lionel Messi some soccer player !