Tipperary GAA 2021

Templederry are still backboned by an Under 21 team that got to an ‘A’ county final in 2008 losing out to a Padraic Maher/Pa Bourke/Michael Cahill inspired Thurles Sarsfields.

They were unlucky not to win a North Senior final in 2015.

Moycarkey beating Drom another surprise from the weekend but Moycarkey do have serious young players coming through. Must be very strong u21 the next few years

Johnny must be a good few years with them now.

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The Borris crowd are sound.

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This would be his 5th year there.

Seems to be a match made in heaven.

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Who’s coaching Kiladangan these days?

Brian Lawlor

That whole Slieve Feilim region is turning into a hotbed of hippy, arty types making shite out of wicker and reeds. That won’t do much for the hurling prospects in the area.

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Thats a long time. Johnny is a serious operator. He had my own parish for a year, losing the intermediate final narrowly.
The only job that wasn’t a success was the Galway U21 job but that may have been no fault of his.

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Templederry beat Roscrea who are a Dan Breen team last week. They have been always erratic enough with performances.

It’s hard to see them winning a north now after this. They spent most of their history as an intermediate side and may end up their again eventually.

Borris will go very close this year. Johny Kelly is a serious coach unlike some of the spoofers claiming big money around. Money well spent.

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Shane McGrath principal with their numbers up a lot should mean they improve underage going forward.

Is he a local? The name doesn’t ring a bell.

Yeah. Well he’s manager.

Sean Treacy from Galway is there too but was double jobbing with Clare I think this year.

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Puckane, hurled senior with them too, another alright sort

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I heard he was asked to leave Holycross but not got any details. Who is his brother training this year?

Kildangan seem to be missing a few this year looking through both their A and B panels. Maybe injured but they haven’t been named at all which I thought a bit odd.

There’s also questions about who’ll be missing tomorrow night. Lads who played last week on the A team.

Was talking to a Templederry man who told me they’d go back to a junior team with their lack of numbers before too long. Bare in mind that senior B is effectively intermediate, and intermediate in reality is junior A.

Some covid cases being kept quiet most likely

Brother is with Templederry. He is supposed to be very good.

Mcgrath and Holycross never got on the same page. Good decision to cut ties for both parties.

Numbers seem to be the problem alright. Will need the team they had 10 years ago to start reproducing. Pity they didn’t win a north.