Tipperary GAA 2024

Where is this bud?

Its an embarrassment.

In fairness I was at the match and it was nothing but a daylight robbery; Monaleen had the legs on an older Drom outfit for much of the game but were lacking another forward to take advantage.

The last few minutes are here; the Clubber Co-Commentator had given the MOTM to Max Ivory of Monaleen and then changed his mind at the final whistle.


Instagram post I think it was

I don’t know David Kelly from Ballina; is he any good?

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He’s about 27 I think! A bit of an unknown quantity.

28 this year

Probably about 26/27, he’s been their best and most consistent player over the last 5 years, mainly as a midfielder. He’s very quick hence why they might be given him a go inside. I don’t rate Johny Ryan as much as others so there’s room to get into the 26 as a utility corner back.

Cahill has given him and other club lads like Mikey o Shea and Gavin O’Halloran a go.

Good to see.

Tbf to Cahill & Co.

They actually attend plenty of club games.

Good to see Brian McGrath back.

Hope Seymour & Quinn show something.

Agree fully with Johnny Ryan. Don’t think he is at this level at all.

Kelly is an interesting call. There was once a train of thought that if you were not a county minor or 21 you’d never make a senior IC hurler. A few like Lar and Shane Mc were exceptions and had made the team by their early 20s through club or college form. Other counties were a lot quicker throwing later/older developers in recent years like Cathal Malone, David Reidy, Tom Phelan. Tipp and Cork especially are behind the curve on this.


Good few lads that no matter how good they were doing were seen as surplus to requirements as they had been tested before and failed or hadn’t played underage.

Quinn was very good for Mary I in the Fitz. Great engine and attitude.

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Looks a decent option.

I like him. Think he has good attributes & attitude. Reminds me of Seamus Kennedy

Think Quinn is a far better option than his two clubmates for midfield.


Agreed again.
I’m not sure what’s the story with one of his team mates, the other lad seems to have improved his distribution a bit but you get the sense he reverts back to type when the pressure comes on.

Surely Cashel should be winning Intermediate with talent they have?


Fair few panellist going travelling, depth will be seriously eroded

Good bit of irony in that with a few going travelling to play with them etc. etc.

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