Tipperary vs Waterford MSHC 2015

Same as in Tipp.

I have a feeling WD have got a bigger allocation for agreeing to Thurles, proper order if true.

Tickets sorted.


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all set for sunday @carryharry @Fagan_ODowd

on the 20

Yes Joe.

I have a feeling that Waterford will win this comfortably.

Me and you are buds?

Of course, Joe.

You’re gone very quiet on twitter, Joe. You need to be busting some chops over there.

I am on holidays for 2 weeks so time to wreck tfk head no enjoy it cant wait for the weekands games

Who’s going to keep tabs on that layabout @ChocolateMice?

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He is on holiday s well kinda of this week

Tipp will batter the fuck out of us.

Tipp by 8 or 9 points

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Waterford may well shit themselves before a ball is thrown in. Thurles with 40k is a different animal then with 20k as Wexford foubd out. Sure they won a minor in Croke Park but realistically how many are in Croker for the start of a minor final

Yeah we’re bollixed alright.

Not saying ye’re bollixed by a long shot. Derek McGrath has a good head on his shoulders. I remember us in 07 ay Croker. Werent able to handle the atmosphere. Ye were the same in 08. If ye dont hold ye’re nerve for the first ten, Tipp could get a run. If ye hold em for that period, I fancy ye. Ye have the hurlers and the hunger, just don’t let the occasion interfere.

No we’re fucked.

Why is that?

Because Tipp are going to beat 7 shades of shit out of us.

The first ten is crucial. If ye hold them for that yeve a chance. Tipp don’t like having to win dirty ball. Don’t let the backs out as easy as we did and half the job is done