I’m getting a bit bored waiting for this. Won’t be before June at this rate. Seems like I’ll have to get the summer hair chop before then. Disappointing.
tit monday happened in april. end of story. bandage doesnt get to call this.
You’re wrong and you’re a grotesquely ugly freak.
Yet another idiot who blew his load too soon.
It’s idiots like you who may have in fact ruined Tit Monday for 2010
no, its idiots like you who have ruined tit monday 2010. ye are all waiting for weeks of end-to-end sunshine to declare but im afraid to tell ye lads - that aint going to happen. tit monday has passed for this year. build a bridge and move on. all we can do is wait for the next warm day to come. they are few and far between in recent years.
Clarkey’s June prediction is looking ever more likely as the days pass. Sure, there’s been a few sunny days over the last while but the temperature hasn’t risen anywhere near enough to warrant a Tit Monday call. It was fine and sunny this morning but it was still considerably too cool and breezy for the big day, and it’s now raining.
it’s fucking stinking out there. Sitting at reception waiting for it to stop. If it’s not over by 9.15 I’m out of tonights astro fixture.
How’s your Ma for Wavin??
Tit Monday never looked as far away.
Oh I believe in Tit Monday
Why she had to go I don’t know…
This could be the big one lads, this could be the motherload! Early signs on the way into work point to today being the first TIT MONDAY of 2010.
What say ye?
South Manchester has been bathed in sunshine all this week with a fine array of raspberry ripples on display.
IFSC for lunch.
g’way ta fook. the rest of the country is covered over in fog. you cant even see the women let alone see what they are wearing. if tit monday didnt happen in April coz the sun didnt shine in Dulin, then it sure as fook isnt happening today! you’re just oo keen to blow your load MBB
Please calm down MBB. The signs were ominous yesterday evening that today could have been the day but I’m afraid it just isn’t sunny enough.
Sorry Gman, all I can go on is what I witnessed this morning circa 7AM. The sun was splitting the stones, and the women had crawled up through the cracks. There was unreal talent walking through Dublin’s thoroughfares, and I felt it worthy of stating the aforementioned TIT MONDAY was a distinct possibility. I did ask for seconders and naysayers so you are entitled to your opinion and naysaying.
Hot women punding the pavement at 7am? That’s unprecedented in my experience. Any time I’ve to be in really work early, I generally spot a load of munters on the way to work - plain, ugly career focused dogs often wearing no make up. The later you leave, the better the standard you encounter - the sorts who are strolling into work after 9am have usually spent a good hour and a half making themselves look their best. That’s beside the point - it’s not Tit Monday today.
The thing about tit monday is that,women in general are dizzy bints,who take very little notice of whats going on around them,like watching the news and weather. It probably takes two days of good weather for them to realise that they should change their wardrobe. I thinks some lads are literally looking in the wrong place to declare tit monday,don’t be looking at the breasts,look at the feet,if the all start wearing sandals then you know tit monday has arrived. There are threee birds in my office,all are still wearing winter clothes and there are no toes on show. Heavy overcoats are also to be seen here.
[quote=“cabbage, post: 274089”],don’t be looking at the breasts,look at the feet
Sick fook! :o