Tit Monday

26 degrees on the continent.

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Too much #ibelieveher going on. Sydney has them warned in advance

Very very strong possibility this thread will need to disappear. Other option is to refine the title.

Thanks for the mammaries?

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Mammary Monday. :grinning:

Get your tits out for the lads Monday. Fuck all the political correctness bullshit. What this country needs is a bit of good old fashioned misogeny, wolf whistles , kitchen sink and bedroom politics

You go first so Mike…

Are you kidding? Shed kill me



A fine looking woman.

A bit flirty

I hate cunts that delete their posts.

Bro’ ?

%-) :+1:

Everybody needs to calm down and stop popping their loads too quickly otherwise this thread may be in danger of some wanton gratuity. And we can’t be having that lads

Ballyragget, the new Mahagonny!

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

There were a couple of hours there on Saturday that I thought we might have turned the corner. Was in town doing “the few bits” and such was the heat that I had to go full roaster and take off the jacket. I even popped in to the People’s Park for a few minutes, just to sit on a bench to savour the coming of spring, the warmth of the sun’s rays and listen to the pleasing patois of the local mickey-money brigade chasing buggies round the park.

Since then about 80 metres of rain has fallen. 2018, The Year Without A Tit.

