To All of the Forum

He’s not wrong about the use of ‘towel heads’.


A hate filled slur from a bygone age

The person using that vile slur has used it repeatedly.

It has no place in decent society and no place on TFK.

TFK is the moral compass of Irish society.
We need to do better

I haven’t got a clue what that OP is about.
This is probably a good thing.

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Can I ask that Protestants be left alone, thanks.


No one wants them

That’s a nawful shame

You can’t have it both ways. It’s against gods wishes


tenor - 2022-03-03T213015.691

I never had any quarrel with the bould Fulvio. And his correspondences from the frontline of Ulster football.

That said he did make the Russia v Ukraine thread borderline unreadable.

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He loved Tyrone.

Great he went out as a champion.


I never saw Fulvio lose a debate on here.

Shame he’s gone. He will be missed.


Sure you’d be lonely. Come on out and play. Dont mind @myboyblue . He’s been pretending to be peace and love for a couple of weeks now and its killing him.

Don’t be a hater.

Your god shouldn’t be concerned with capitalisations

He was absolutely unbelievably good at debating on this niche internet forum. I’d think of it as kind of similar to being the best drinker in a small rural pub though. There’s a little bit of kudos attached to it but at the back of it all there’s a certain sadness involved as other people just drop in occasionally and live their lives. I’d say he’s far better giving up the internet altogether as he’s obviously an intelligent fella and it didn’t seem to be making him all that happy.


I beg to differ. He made a very bad decision when he tried to defend the standard of club football in tyrone. But he was valiant throughout



Please being @fulvio back

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