To All of the Forum

What a fucking needy bitch.

Should have been hugged more as a child

This is outrageous. A site that’s committed to “dialog” is now banning a longtime poster for dissent. If that isn’t toxic wokeness I don’t know what is.

I warned that this place was turning into boards two years ago, and sadly I was right. As long as you are on the side of the mods and lick their holes you get away with basically anything, disgusting satires aimed at bereaved widows, doxing fellow posters (regardless of what the langer says they is compelling evidence), racial slurs (towel heads, knackers), and worst of all boring the absolute shite out of everyone.

Anyway I’m off, logging out for good. Good luck lads, it was enjoyable.


See you in the dynasty chat group pal, it’s the new now for all the legendary expats anyway.


This is true. His behaviour was reminiscent of that of a Twitter bot.

Stay mate, we need you


Bizarre. This is based on you believing everything @fulvio said above? That fulvio had some ‘win’ over scotch football that Rocko cant deal with? That threads that are still there were deleted?

[quote=“Tierneevin1979, post:83, topic:35313, full:true”] doxing fellow posters (regardless of what the langer says they is compelling evidence),

I’ve asked a few times now and nothing
I know you can’t reply but maybe somebody will, because it was 100% the worst thing that ever happened to anybody because of their posting on TFK.
What is the compelling evidence, because I haven’t seen anything other than ‘who else would do it?’

Good luck by the way, you’ve been an interesting guy to read, we fell out lately but I never had any ill will towards you, we are/were incompatible on some issues :+1:

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Best of luck @Tierneevin1979. I’ll be up at the Baroness gig in the Starline Social Club in Oakland in a couple of weeks. I’ll keep an eye out for a lad in a Supermacs jersey and a farmers tan.


This place is turning into Mumsnet.

Why Women Kill Dont Go GIF by Paramount+



Is that racist wanker Labane gone? This is great news in fairness. The FBI finally got their man.

Cheasty v Labane and kev v fulvio were titanic battles.

I don’t think the forum can recover from this tbh.

Tiredsome and repeated battles that ruined many threads on here


Its amusing the thrill some lads get on here. I guess its why its packed chocful of weirdo’s.

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If you don’t want to read them just don’t read them.

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There’ll be a lot of lads considering their future now. Two heavyweights gone in a day. @Tank on the way to the frontline, @codegreen still in purgatory. Fuck me dead.

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A man who doesn’t consider his future on a regular basis is coasting in life.

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Thinking of my e-mortality kept me awake last night.


Nad management from the mods here. They needed to keep their big players happy, especially when they’re performing on the pitch.

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