To All of the Forum

I raised it a few times actually


Did you raise a ticket?

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No. Im considering it though…I’ll decide once i discover what ‘raising a ticket’ means

You might be as well off. Sometimes loved ones make decisions for us that we may not agree with but are for our betterment

Would you go on Joe Rogan to talk about it?

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I feel that it would be a waste of a valuable opportunity to promote my vision to a wider audience

Its a good thing Rocko makes so much money from advertising


Exactly it’s his ship and if we don’t like the way he runs things we can fuck off.

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No harm in a bit of common courtesy though, manners cost nothing etc

I don’t have the time to get into a debate on this.

The racism thread was restricted to posters above a certain “trust level” some time ago in an effort to prevent new posters from wading in with unhelpful contributions.

The trust level is a product of many things including time on TFK, number of posts flagged and many other factors. It does not necessarily correlate to racism. Your trust level is not high enough to give you permissions on that thread. The algorithm is working against you.


…but i was able to post on it, then i wasn’t. I doubt that ive had more than one or two posts flagged and i suspect ive been here longer than some of the posters posting on the thread?

Farewell Fulvio, he was a great debater. He called out southern people on their treatment of northern Catholics. This didn’t sit well with certain people here.


Someone should make a list of his arguments for the craic.

No sweat to a south Derry man,SIR

I’ll get the ball rolling with a few of his sporting ones.
Off the top of my head;

Mickey Harte is the greatest manager ever. Even when he was shit by the end and they won an all Ireland as soon as they left, he was still the greatest manager ever.

The Ulster championship has so many good teams that it makes it impossible for any of these good teams to actually win an all ireland. If this Tyrone were in Leinster they’d have won loads more all Irelands, doesn’t matter how many points Dublin bate the bollox off them when they actually met.

Peter Canavan is the greatest footballer ever.

Every southern fooballer is a fraud, but especially Gooch.

The Kerry team that won 3 all irelands in the 00s were shit. The Tyrone team that won 3 all irelands in the 00s was the greatest team of all time.

Messi is a fraud.

Messi cannot be considered a great because he despite single handedly carrying them on his back for most of his career, never won anything with them.

Guardiola is a fraud. And a drug cheat.

Klopp is a fraud. Rodgers is better than him

Despite, clearly, being a vastly inferior league to any rational analysis, Fulvio maintains that the Serie A, is the greatest league of all.

He had Neil Lennon sussed early to be fair.


:rofl: I knew someone would come up with the goods.

It would be great if he stays gone but sure he’s probably here right now.

I think even Pat Spillane gave Tyrone kudos as being the team of the 00’s.

What about calling Rangers “Huns”?

You can get cancelled for that now, be wide