To All of the Forum

This has been coming for a while. Him tagging me over and over while he tied himself in knots on various threads reminded me of another poster who went off a bit loco.

Hopefully he takes some time off to reassess his purpose on here.

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@rocko must have the patience of a saint to be putting up with the lot of us. It would be easier manage a bunch of preschoolers


With the greatest of respect I think you lost your rights to being the moral compass of the forum some time ago.


Boards is a woke bastard of a snowflake paradise
Handy to drop in if looking for a bargain or tech stuff etc but that’s it

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Lots of old posts being flagged. They’re being dealt with. And welcomed.

I’m not going to hand out suspensions for posts from years ago at this point. But don’t assume getting away with racism in the past (or someone else getting away with it) gives any grounds for future leniency.


That’s your opinion. And in fairness, its probably my opinion too.

Also with the greatest of respect, neither do I think you have any right to claim yourself as a moral compass.

I think there are very few people qualified to do so.

I don’t think you are very familiar with

No idea what he said.

But plenty fellas on here going mad over using towel head (which is a fair call out it is a poor term) but no issue using other derogatory terms. Picking and choosing which words they think are bad.


Racism against travellers always seems to get a free pass.


Some people are delighted that chairman Dan was suspended for it yet they have no problem using the term themselves, well deserved etc etc

What about cream crackers?

A quick search of the term is revealing alright.

I’d be a big fan with butter and cheese


This is tremendous news. Perhaps one of you could flag the post that got me banned from the racism thread?


Considering I’m on it for 12 plus years I’d say your wrong
Mods on some of the threads are apes
Ie Bobby Sands one
Anytime one gives facts about British brutality etc that has occurred in the 6 counties
Etc it’s shut down quickly

Your persistence to see this through is admirable!

Lot of lads taking cheap shots here. Rocko has moderated the place as he sees fit, as he’s entitled to. If he sees something wrong, he calls it, as is his right. If you have a problem with something, flag it and move on.

Anything else is just fuckology.


I’m not sure what the situation is but id appreciate an explanation as to why i cant post on the racism thread. The implication is that I’ve been racist. Im happy enough to ask why without worrying about cheap shots etc

Not sure if it’s been raised but @glenshane can’t post on the racism thread guys