Tom Humphries thread

You ascribed contributory negligence to the rape victim Hook was talking about.

No I didnt. I referenced contributory negligence to flattys pal who had the car robbed which insurance didnt cover. I then said this was essentially the point Hook had tried to make…

I didnt attribute anything to any victim

oh dear oh dear


Translation: “The victim of a serious crime has a responsibility to not be the victim of a serious crime.”

She did not act “recklessly”.

Consensual sex is not “reckless”.

Rape is reckless.

You imply it.

Again you imply she’s to blame.

You haven’t answered the question I previously put to you:

Should all women assume they will be raped when they go to a bedroom in the company of a man?

Again, more implied blame.

im physically sick reading this

Sid harms

You’re one sad cunt @HBV, you really are.

you wrote all that you dangerous man, you have defended Huimphries from Day 1

That sounds like victim blaming to me

Lay off the meat loaf.

Are you not completely contradicting yourself there?

You say she isn’t to blame and in the very next sentence you say she left herself vulvernable?

You’re a poster with a consistent track record of misogyny, racism, and whatever other bigotry you’re having yourself, having been banned for such multiple times, and have proven in your time on this forum that you’re an actual danger to women and whoever else crosses your path, not least your kids.

That you’re reduced to digging up a couple of childish jokes from six and a half years ago sums up the level you’re at.

Would you ever fuck off?!

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child abuse is not a joke, you wrote those words, you are a dangerous man full of contradictions you writes so much shit you have fouled yourself in spectacular fashion here.
you are a very dangerous man.

You’ve just done it again.

“essentially the point Hook tried to make” - ie. contributory negligence.

This is a beaut.

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Did you actually follow some poor girl to Australia in the hope of accidently running in to her and winning her over :grin: has she tweeted #MeToo yet ? What thread is this on?