Tom Humphries thread

He has a vast collection of contacts and acquaintances which keep him in the know

i hope to god you are not implying what i think you are implying



Absolutely unbelievable. Talk to anyone in the court system or cops or many other professionals, most stuff does not get reported.

Innuendo? Do you understand the word?
People were convicted.
People down there of a certain generation know well what went on. There is no innuendo. There was abuse, attacks, suicide and much else over the years attached to it.

The “elite” in Ireland would disgust you.

This gobshite would have distain for anyone involved in lower class pursuits like GAA or Soccer.
She is just some Camogie player to him.

It obviously wasn’t Paul Anthony McDermott then.


Now that this case has been sentenced, @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is right, there should be statements from the club, the county, and the Camogie/GAA. Vincents declined to comment in depth at the time, which is fair enough, but there should be something forthcoming now.

Why would they do that.

The GAA will pretend it never happened

A case of Big Jock knew?

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Because its the right thing to do. Their checks and vetting has been called into question. You don’t believe they should? Vincents should.

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Also, if it turns out that TH was receiving a payment for work on while he was being investigated, well…

They also appear to have given Humphries the girl’s number without her permission which began the whole grooming process.

Can they sue the club?

Yes. This isn’t the case now, no mentor can directly contact a minor, but I am unaware if and when that changed. But for that reason alone, a comment should be forthcoming from all I named above.

can I ask how were their checks and vetting failed? Unless Humphries had prior, no checks or vetting would have highlighted anything.

Plus, with regards to texting the girl, it was said he got her number through a third party, so again, I’m not sure how any procedural change would have done anything here to stop him. No mentor was to contact a child directly then either, but how do you stop them doing so if they just go ahead and do it anyway without anyone knowing?

If anything, it should be a wake up call to clubs in GAA and all sport really to ensure that they do follow correct protocol on all matters with underage coaching. It is a criminal offence now to coach without having the proper vetting, but as important is that the ethics courses should be 100% mandatory and coaches have to redo this every couple of years.

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Can you read back and point out where I said they failed?

ok, called into question. same point. How are they called into question?