Tom Humphries thread


I’ve begun to grow fond of Duignan lately


FOTF Ewan is the only one coming out well from this ordeal.
He’s led the charge over the past few weeks.
This could be his biggest moment

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That cunts card is marked, this is one bandwagon he is not wanted on.

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+1. He sees which way the wind is blowing. Ewan was speaking out when it wasn’t the popular thing. Duignan is hopping on the bandwagon now

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Duignan first mentioned it on twitter on the 8th of October mate

Wouldn’t be surprised to see Cusack back on RTE at some stage as a hurling pundit. It shouldn’t happen but I reckon he’ll wriggle his way back in, eventually.

Shown himself up to be a complete cunt, he led the lynch mob against Gerald McCarthy but pleads for leniency for his child molesting pal. And sadly it worked.

Frank Murphy had that prick sussed from day one.


Game on

Is the story of Humphries drinking in Vincent’s bar and the girl crying in the car park a bit bizzare for Ewan to include?

Have we any of Cusacks articles available that Humphries is alleged to have written in the not too distant past?

Has Cusack written in the Examiner since he got involved with Clare?

On the day Cusack lost two jobs, Frank gets a well deserved job extension into a 46th year.

While the cell Humphries now occupies is no doubt a bit cramped, he can at least console himself that it’s a lot bigger than the old Pairc Ui Chaoimh press box he used to occupy.

And the dressing rooms, for that matter.



Anyone asked to comment on Donal Og or Humpheries or any oart of it would give more or less same conclusion.

Sane people would anyway


According to reports by the Judicial Researchers office that have studied rape sentencing in Ireland, prison sentences have risen over the past decade to now average 10 years. A report from 2013 I glanced through stated “grooming a young victim tends to result in a more substantial sentence in accordance with custodial norms”, so one has to assume grooming cases would be on the high side of sentencing.

In her remarks Judge Karen O’Connor said “it would be difficult not to have sympathy for him” and even more amazingly “the higher the profile and success of a member of society the harder the fall”. Does she even understand that those in positions of power and success are the very ones that should be given the most severe sentences, given they have abused their positions of power and to deter others who might think about abusing their positions of power to groom a child?


Positions of power my hole.

Judges and cops in @mickee321 shithole town of Cobh part of a know paedo ring back along. We have no idea of the connections or carry on of these people. And there is clearly a history of that across the world.
Sane people realise this is all sorts of wrong. This judge i will assume is a sane person. She is feeling leaned on somewhere. Be it percirved pressure or actually pressure.

But for her to use the word sympathy is very very worrying.

Language is a dead give away.

But we keep putting people of questionable character into power. So its our collective fault.

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Tae in mug for me so

You’re some man for running with any bit of scurrilous innuendo.

Eamonn Dunphy getting lambasted this morning for showing some compassion to Humphries last night. This case is really weeding out the weirdos in Irish life.

As flatty point out, 16 fucking thousand messages. It’s just sick.

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Wonderfully patronizing barrister on Morning Ireland a few minutes ago, explaining to us all that people objecting to the character references simply don’t understand the process.

Left completely unchallenged of course because RTÉ bowed down to their expert with a lovely, polished accent. Like others he made no mention of the victim and didn’t even consider the fact that maybe doing a small bit of camogie coaching isn’t much of a consolation to the young girl he abused while doing so.



Smug bastard

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I’d say we would be shocked with the real figures of similar cases or sexual abuse of minors in general in society, of course we will never know …