Tom Humphries thread

I thought he was the coach.

not individually anyway. whatever about generic group texting, you’d be mad to make any contact outside of a group setting.

I believe they should. But what i am saying is they won’t most likely

But would vetting have done anything? He had no previous surely?

And vetting back then was completely farcical.

No, not goibg to say that. No reason to believe that from my reading.

But thats not the point either.

That’s my understanding given my experience, but as others have pointed out below if the parents do give specific permission to contact the child directly then it’s ok. That might be more applicable to older lads such as 16/17 year olds. Not sure what type of parent would rather a child any younger than that be contacted directly.



You are a Brit.

I wouldnt even do it in a group tbh…its makes dealing with things unwieldy but necessary safeguard

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yeah that would be my take on it too, it would only be for lads who could arrange their own transport or arrangements to get to trainings. Anything younger there is no need whatsoever to even have their phone number, never mind to be contact them.

For all those people who think we are the norm with sentencing.
It just came to me on radio that Adam Johnson, in very similar circumstances, got 6 years.

any word from the lady that ignored her as she cried in his car in the club car park?

that’s a different country mate

Thats the fucking point you stupid thick fuck

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Whats it in France, Italy ,Spain you dimwit?

I think I posted this article before, but again, it shows Humphries for the utter scumbag he is.

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Its in another country other than the Republic of Ireland you fuckwit.

People here were saying we were the same as everywhere.

However this case is not even the same as cases in Ireland where similar cases have been handing out much higher sentences over last 10 years

I’m actually Italian and all you have is innuendo which you use in a scurrilous manner on a regular basis.

You are a weirdo.

But you have repeatedly shown to have no insight whatsoever into life in the republic of ireland

The BBC and British police turned a blind eye to their high profile nonces for years.

If being principled and consistent in my application of the values I hold dear make me weird then I’m proud to be weird.

You’re dumb, a hypocrite with no moral values and you have an ego the size of Australia.

Lets not deflect that you are a child abuse sympathizer.

And as usual playing the man and not the ball