Tom Humphries thread

Ah lads.

I think on the issue of abuse we have a long way to go alright.

I am not. And there you go again with your baseless innuendo, all pointed to blacken and shame others who are morally and intellectually superior to you.

You’re sinister and you’d be very dangerous if you had an ounce of intelligence.

I am just shaking my head in disbelief.

A horrible, twisted individual.

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Case is incredibly disturbing. Article rocko posted by McKenna is excellent.

You support Celtic, The IRA and the Catholic Church.

Morals are not exactly top of the list in any of those organisations.

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Are you saying Big Jock, Gerry and successive Popes knew?

Don’t demean other arguments with stupid comments like that @caoimhaoin


Not much logic to that comment.

pitiful comment

You’re all fucking insane.

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Sorry missed this.

They say in reality they are having no more success in teaching kids than ever before.
Traveller kids in oarticular are causing plenty hassle. Class size of 29 was easier in “regular school” than working in Disadvantage school where it was 18.
Homework is a huge issue.
Social and environmental factors compmetely outweigh anything that happens at school.
Heads etc always looking for positives and stories which are no more plentiful than another time in the past and virtually always comes from kids with great parents who just happen to live in an area.

Thinking you could solve social and environmental issues in the classroom is noble and maybe in time they figure their way thru it. But from what both oarents and teachers in those areas i know there is little affect.

Sort out the way education is delivered first.

I have seen first hand a school doing their own thing to massive results. They would have olanty “disadvantaged” kids in a “regular” school.

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But he is. It was not a stupid comment. It was stating a fact. Growing up in tyrone is a good bit different from cork.

He continually shows a lack of knowledge of the Republic.

And then claims to be Italian

Kev, honest question. are you talking about one school only in this? You do know that there are over 800 schools in the country serving as a DEIS school. And that in primary, the divide is nearly 50/50 on rural and urban. A huge proportion of them are actual “regular” schools, but now have the added benefit of additional grants and learning supports through the DEIS scheme.

Exactly - many of them going for DEIS status for extra money/ help/ equipment - I know plenty teachers in DEIS schools, including a vice principal, and they love it… I’ve missed the argument here, what’s being put forward, that they don’t work?

Kev said that teachers he knows say DEIS is a disaster.


That may be more a reflection of the teacher.

You idolise this man.

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One southside, but mostly Cork northside city schools.

And as i said from the outset, its the handful of teachers i meet/know. The one sihnificant one though that i would take alot from is a near retirement vice principal who has apent a lifetime on the Northside. He is not anti it or anything, just says not alot has changed.

Now i should probably temper all this with the fact that the northside is in a cery bad spot at the moment. The huge influx of settle travellers is having effects on many levels. Everything up there is a bit tender with cops worried of a limerick type situation evolving re:drugs etc.

So maybe its a localized effect. I cannot be sure