Tom Humphries thread

Did anyone screenshot em

Look at this prick here ā€¦ After all the damage screenshots have done this week this fucko still wants more ā€¦ dear oh dear


For Fuck Sake

George still has a bit about him it seems.

its bullshit, why didnā€™t she come forward when it happened instead of waiting for the bandwagon

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its disgusting, this poor senile old bastard doesnā€™t know his arse from his elbow and being accused of sexual assault, what the fuck is wrong with people today? its very frightening to think what the world will be like in 20 years

KImmage answering some of the questions posed here in todayā€™s indo.

Strangely silent on DEIS though :confused:

Can you put up article

DEIS schools are an outrage. I think we cleared that up for everyone this week. I am sure Paul is aware

It is one of the finest pieces Iā€™ve read in years. An outstanding article. Just buy the paper. Iā€™d pay a tenner to read it.


Canā€™t find it thpugh. He is not on the list of writers


Michael Clifford has a good article in yesterdayā€™s Irish Examiner.

Thereā€™s another good article by Tom Oā€™Malley in yesterdays Irish Independent (I got a free copy) which I canā€™t find online but goes through the whole process of arriving at sentences and maintains that the judge was about right as regards the length of the sentence.

Cue the stampede to visit the parents or go to the local cafe .


Mr Oā€™Donovon take note, this tech savvy cunt is going to be your social media Go To Guy in your Election Run. :grin::grin:

You are a sad sad man who clearly is so stupid that you do not think through your giddy bursts of not so hidden anger when jumping on something as mumdane as this.

Okay campaign manager, if you say so.


Its a good honest review of the whole thing from PKā€™s POV.
Its well written and i like Kimmage. But its not some award winning piece either