Tom Humphries thread

You are posting utter shite.

Trying to claim Iā€™m on drugs is a sad retort of an imbecile.

The actions of Humpheries couldnā€™t be vilified enough. As a coach he is specifically trained to be alert for vulnerable kids. Instead of that he took the most vulnerable child within his group and exploited her.

We had an underage blitz yesterday. More then ever you were wary of helping the girls with putting on bibs, buckling up helmets and tieing boots. Simple stuff in the full view of parents but youā€™d be alert to it all the same.

That said, Itā€™s real is a wake up call for GAA clubs in the matter of coaching kids and the controls around it. Too many parents are happy to drop kids off, go for a coffee and pick up when the session is over. Clubs need to insist that coaches organise strict rotas with parents closely involved. Each parent should play a role no matter how small in this part of their childā€™s education and more importantly their well being.

There are freaks like Humpheries out there and ensuring they never get the access they desire should be the corner stone of ever club child safety policy.


Has his club or the gga commented yet?

Point proven. Youā€™re as high as a kite tonight

Tease out what youā€™re advocating. What type of cases should character references not be allowed for? Is it just for child sex abuse cases? Or all sex abuse cases? If so, why not murder? If you include murder, what about drink driving that kills somebody? What about armed robbery?

What about other mitigating circumstances? Should they be disallowed?

Why should somebody guilty of one crime receive an inferior standard of justice than somebody who commits a different crime, based on what would be effectively an arbitrary whim?

This was premeditated Sid. 16000 text messages.

Spot on, nail firmly hit on the head.

Iā€™ve seen it. Kids dropped off maybe 25 minutes before training sessions in the absolute belief that a club member is there to watch them.
Parents who arrive 45 minutes after training is finished & again with the expectation that some description of a Club person is watching the kid.

There are parents looking at Sporting organizations as crĆØche services.

As regards, Humphries. He was a helper as opposed to a coach. This is an issue the GAA needs to look very closely at as an organization. You and I both know volunteers are scarce but that line must be banished.
Garda vetting is all well & good but, Mr Humphries obtained info and obviously got too much rope in the Contact he was able to obtain with a child.

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Make the Laws up as you go is it Mike?

Like making up lines that posters are on drugs when your idiotic shite is called up?

But sure you are

Try that again in understandable wording.

Absolutely irrelevant in the context of what form of justice should be available.

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Fuck that. Iā€™m not hanging around in the rain all morning just cos humphries is a nonce

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Can anyone answer this?

It is astonishing if they havenā€™t tbh.

Club must have a guilty conscious over this. Were the necessary controls in place? Was his strange behaviour overlooked because he was Tom the successfull journalist?

I havenā€™t heard any statement anyway mate.

Was it revealed in the trial how he got the girlā€™s number?

I have no wish to live in an Islamist shithole.

I do have a wish to live in a society that takes seriously violent crime and in particular crimes against children. Other than taking a childā€™s life, there are very few crimes worse than a sexual deviant targeting children and acting out their sick fantasies. As we have no known way of truly protecting children from these predators, and studies confirm they are likely to abuse again, then I would say the safest approaches are lengthy prison sentences or compulsory wearing of a tracking device and actual surveillance of their movements, or voluntary chemical treatment (which many pedophiles volunteer for).

Garda vetting is relatively new in terms of enforcement in Ireland. Iā€™d imagine it was a piece of piss back then.

You would think it was a real necessary action to make a comment.

If I had young kids asking to go to the Club in question I would be wary as fuck as not commenting looks very bad.

Off you go. Go talk to the cows again.

Is that it?

Irish Law should be amended & changed for each individual case?