Tom Humphries thread

Over and over you try to defend Humphries and class this crime, the rape of a minor, as just another run of the mill crime. You think its like drink driving. You absolute freak.


Thatā€™s not what I said. But youre off your face on weed again so maybe you better leave off until morning

The sad thing is, Garda Vetting no matter how stringent would not have stopped this evil fucker.




Character references are applicable to every defendant in court regardless of charges of Child Defilement or Importing Goods without paying proper taxes.

16 million messages would be irrelevant you stupid cunt.

You havenā€™t the first clue what youā€™re talking about, and, again like other posters here, you want a justice system that is not governed by the rule of law, but by outrage and arbitrary whims.

But sure whatā€™s new.

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Garda vetting is not worth the paper itā€™s written on.

Do tell.

It is mate. Itā€™s absolutely essential. You still need to stop the people who want to reoffend.

It should certainly be taken into accountā€¦ How can you separate the man from his actions over such a long period, particularly when those actions are some of the very worst imaginable. The fact a judge couldnā€™t separate the man and his pathetic attempts to kill himself, from the savagery he carried out against a child says a lot about Irish law. Trivializing his actions by comparing them to a garlic grower just shows how far behind Irish society is when dealing with child sex abuseā€¦ Is 2.5 years a deterrent ? Youā€™ve beasts all over the shop lining up a daycent reference now.

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Iā€™m not defending his actions mate. He deserved way longer a sentence but the Judge made the call.

Garda vetting will only give you information on a crime that somebody is convicted of. If you want to take the Humphries case then consider the following.
If Humphries was questioned about this and it was decided not to prosecute then any future vetting of Humphries would show up as clear. There would be no record of his questioning. Maybe I was wrong to say itā€™s not worth the paper itā€™s written on but it certainly needs to be looked at again.

What are you suggesting mate? Profiling potential first time offenders?

Is Garda Vetting essentially just an Insurance blanket for clubs?

It means gga cunts like paedo Tom canā€™t coach again

He wasnā€™t a Coach though. He was putting out cones etc.

I see your point and itā€™s very relevant. And to be honest I donā€™t know what the correct answer is.

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Shock Horror