Tommy Cooper

Well you think Tommy Cooper is funny so thats your taste in comedy fucked.


Cooper wouldn’t lace the boots of Roy ‘Chubby’ Brown


You see I knew this would happen. Inevitably Puke arrives with a comment that puts us all to the sword…


If you want good comedy, go to the stand up shows in Glasgow on a Friday night.

Pure quality

[quote=“thedancingbaby”]if You Want Good Comedy, Go To The Stand Up Shows In Glasgow On A Friday Night.

Pure Quality[/quote]


I was driving up the motorway and my boss phoned me and he
told me I’d been promoted. I was so shocked I swerved the
car. He phoned me again to say I’d been promoted even higher
and I swerved again. He then made me managing director and I
went right off into a tree. The police came and asked me what
had happened. I said ‘I careered off the road’

Art Foley buys himself a donkey and proudly rides it around the pub carpark. Goes home to show the bird and she asks hm “is it a male or female?” “female i think” he says. “How do you know that”? she asks. "Well when i was showing it off in the car park i heard a few people say ‘Look at the big smelly cunt on that donkey’.


I’m serious NCC !!

Thats not nice NCC, and even worse could result in a poll…


I really first noticed Hancock after much encouragement by my Dad (something of a connosiour of English comedy)around the time I was studying the Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock by TS Elliot in school and thinking how alike the comedy of Hancock and the frustration of Elliot were.
One thing the brits do brilliantly is comedy, there is such utter brilliance from the Goons right through to Bill Bailey.[/quote]

Fucking hell Fitzy - that is some comparison to make. I am not familiar with Tony Hancock, only that I know his son is a cunt, but Prufrock was one of the most incredible piece of literature I ever had the pleasure of reading. Fucking amazing it is. Think I will look up some Hancock now.




Not this fool again :smiley:

A retarded monkey was more entertaining than this fella. Makes Jason Byrne look talented.

'Fraid so Flano.

‘Fool’ is a good word to describe him actually. That was all he used - natural comic ability.

Where is all this important ‘in my opinion line’ that you insist upon?

I wrote the post, it should go without saying. Unlike other people I dont force my opinion down other peoples throats.

What a hypocritical clown.