Tommy Tiernan

A 3 acre field of shtone above in Galway

It could be me

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What a stupid fucking hat.

@Ambrose_McNulty… Went to England after studying business, got into eco farming business and met all kinds of hippies that made him think about his views and the meaning of life… Basically lives without, electricity, water, money…grows his own food… Some crowd heard of hom years ago and asked him to write a book and he was able to buy a 3 acre farm in Galway… Built a farm without all Those basic amenities.


This one is losing me here.

She’s definitely one of those birds who doesn’t believe in shaving her legs, armpits or fanny.

This one is great crack. Made some decent music too.

My brother actually knows this fella :eek:

Came across like an alright sort?

Who the fuck is this wan?

Rosin Murphy

She was plain enough talking away. She oozes sex appeal performing.

Didnt take to her at all… She didn’t come across as genuine. She was selling a version of her that she wanted us to see. Chalk and cheese compared to the last fella.


I fucking said that word for word to the missus, is she sexting you again the bitch


She’s ride ya to death, not a bother on her

Who the fuck would give a genuine version of themselves to a million viewers?

I suppose that’s the joy if the show…tbe song ain’t bad.

One of the greatest cunts ever created. That shit that RTE will have on later in the week is definitely to be missed.

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A fella that lives without running water or electricity.

Yer man that was a recovered junkie from cork gave the most honest interview I’ve ever seen to tommy.