Tommy Tiernan

Is this parody? :grinning:

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Definitely from Limerick… Serious bang of the hitchers off him

My fucking jesus. I’m in bits laughing here at that cunt

This lad is the Aidan Walsh (What Will We Do With The Community Games) of the 21st century

Hes a border dweller I’d say.

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Went to extra time against flattys crowd. Leitrim won it and then got rid of their manager iirc

You’re slightly obsessed with Limerick pal.

A lot have become like that in the last while

Sure I’m half Limerick man

You aren’t. Cork people aren’t half anything

I think that’s unfair.

Tiernan has a horrible racist undertone to him I think. He has history as well.

Tommy was born in Zambia

Its comedy. He offends the poor, the rich, the well off, the blacks, the travellers etc etc. Perhaps its low pitched stuff but its fuck all to do with racism.


Born in Donegal ,lived in Zambia as a kid

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Both wild places

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They moved all over the place with Kevin’s job. His mother was a lovely woman. She looked after my missus’ mother when she was terminal

He offended the Catholics as well. Sure isnt that why hes famous.

He pushed boundaries all over the place, indiscriminately

Last week he wasn’t trying to be funny but he started going on about how it was great that kids have matches of white versus black. The guest took offence that it was needless reinforcing of white versus black and Tiernan didn’t get - or was too arrogant to do so.

I didn’t see it, unfortunately so I can’t gauge the context. Tommy is pretty open minded, but he’s also a massive cunt. If he thought he could wind your man up for laughs he would. He is a mischievous cunt but not a malcontent