Tommy Tiernan

You stupid cunt. He was making that point that kids nowdays are comfortable with diversity that they can do that without it being racist.


It actually is. Shure it might well bate any notion of racial superiority out of the white lads. Or not…I’m cool with either of the three scenarios

Watch the language. We are all entitled to our view.

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You’re a good lad

I’d say there’s not a race that Tommy hasn’t insulted so far. It’s part of who is is. Nothing is safe from being called out. But not everyone gets offended by it.

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You deliberately misinterpreted his point, you woke little cunt.

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To be honest I think the current chat show is overrated . I think he tries to broach issues that others would be too PC to address .

You don’t understand what interpret means.

Christ you’re an angry human being

The guest last week took offence at every opportunity.

The guest this week was able to take questions, comments and life experiences at face value without search for some non existent racist undertone.

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Don’t I?

You need to let go of the anger.

Agree, the guests are hit and miss. The format doesn’t lend itself to the scripted entertainment we’ve been fed since we were kneee high…

But it works somewhat, I watched it from start to finish (well till that cunt on the guitar started mumbling)… and my attention span is in ribbons these days so that’s something.

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There is no anger. @farmerinthecity claimed the man is a racist for no reason. I’m highlighting the stupidity of this.

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The guy last week spoke of institutional racism which we all know exists. He’s probably sick to the teeth of people reinforcing his ‘difference’ and that of his family and friends. He certainly doesn’t need some while Irish comedian or someone from Limerick making on a judgment on what he may justifiably find offensive.

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I watched the bit with Zack tonight and it was decent . He seems a very decent lad .


You think? He always struck me as the sort of lad who’d do what an oul boss called ‘dominating the room’. The boss thought it meant being a hard man or a blowhard- in order to unsettle someone, or fill the space or whatever was important to the insecure bollox stc. But occasionally you meet someone who’d just make the frauds and wankers feel uncomfortable, just by being a bit wiser and a bit more sincere. No words spoken, just a little intelligence, a wry smile, a kind word, a bit of banter and an easy charm. You don’t meet these people too often, but you do meet them
I’ve an awful lot of time for tommy


I’ve been lucky enough to be in his company on more than one occasion and his off screen persona is completely different. He is very quiet. He is an extremely interesting human being. Youd never be bored. He is extremely intelligent and whimsical, he could turn on you.

I like his father more. A gentleman to his toe nails


Safe to assume neither of them remember you.

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They may or may not. It wouldnt bother me.

You’ll take me to your grave it seems

Most definitely not.