Tommy Tiernan

Barely a mention of Eileen Flynn, she must have done a great job, I suppose the likes of her don’t count

It’s like you wanted lads calling her all sorts during the night .


Eileen Flynn was v good. She was nervous but grew into it. Tommy is brilliant at this stuff. He is a great listener. You can see the head on him listening like fuck while the guest is talking.

This is true. The old bill were called cos of high jinx, not racism!

I should have asked them to investigate how I got stuck with the entire drinks bill for the while they were there.

It’s not often you go to dinner and see people leaving with bottles of wine in their jackets and handbags.

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They’d have put it down to tales of private jets, chartered helicopters, live-in maids and hid and hers Scooby Imprezas

The giant sounded the klaxon


@mac has to go

That’s true. Although I’d say it was a mistake to sit at the same table as @Funtime . Just as I sat down he looked over his menu and said; Ebeneezer, are you getting the drinks bill? I said; yes no problem. At that stage I knew I’d be in for it.

His hand quickly raised and signalling to the Waiter, who he had words with earlier. The Waiter was hardly ever three feet away from him before he waved his hand ensuring nobody was without two drinks in front of them all the while unopened bottles of wine kept landing down before disappearing under the tables.


The administrative Fingal lads circling the wagons here

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Was @Funtime not invited to this shindig? We need an honest broker to give a truthful account here


Coty stuff, where it not for the audacity. I’ve a pal who takes great delight in telling waiters, barman etc to keep the change…he has a lovely kind sincere way of saying it, he even gets a smile and a thank you from pretty waitresses. He never does it when he’s paying…


I’d safely say Zak didn’t get all uppity when someone in Carrick asked him where he was from.

This gives me incredible insight into what TFKers are like in real life

Tommy would want to get rid of the Cathal O Searcaigh hat though, or is he “claiming it back”…

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Long boring response to FarmerintheCity that I don’t expect anyone else to read

@farmerinthecity Tommy Tiernan married a Monaghan woman and moved to Salthill, Galway, where he invites all his neighbours into his home for a big session every Christmas. He’s a nice enough chap.

You’re talking about a racial air to him, you mention the “Christ-killing bastards” Jewish controversy and also just a general sense of racial antagonism. These are serious issues, not to be dismissed lightly. You deserve a proper answer to all this and since I have put a lot of thought over the years into deciding whether Tommy Tiernan was a nice fella or a cunt, I’m going to give you the long boring response that you deserve.

Firstly, the Jewish Christ-killing thing: Tiernan was mostly in the wrong. His main defence was “it was funny when I said it in the tent”. He was talking about some Jewish folks who came up to him after a show to complain about being called Christ-killers, he describes their narrow pupils as if they had no humanity and then a temporary taboo forms in the tent where everyone realises “wouldn’t it be funny if he really called them “Christ-killers” now”. A moment of tension builds. And of course Tiernan jumps right into that taboo and calls them “Christ-killing bastards”, the tension is broken and everyone in the tent laughs. It was the cheapest, laziest type of humour. And if you look at the main person who supported him through that, it was mostly Olaf Tyaransen, who was conducting the interview, very possibly one of the nastiest characters Ireland has ever produced although nothing was ever proven in Court, and Tyaransen’s main argument was “it was funny at the time so it’s ok”. Bullying people often gets a laugh at the time but that doesn’t mean it’s ok. In my opinion there was a germ of anti-semitism in that crowd in the tent. So I think Tommy was wrong about that incident but he was completely fair to say that it was blown out of all proportion. And in a general sense, if you’re mouthing off ad lib on stage for decades and decades it’s inevitable that you’re going to occasionally say things that are wrong and offend people. That nature of what he does is that mistakes will inevitably be made. So I think he was wrong that time but I think it’s a forgiveable incident.

To go onto the general racist air that you find, I can recall Tommy used to do a few sketches where he would make fun of the African accent and how shouty he thinks it is in a way that wouldn’t be quite acceptable today. But to be honest, standards change and I definitely don’t think that he meant any malice by it at the time. He just thought the accent was funny.

Certainly, I’ve seen him interview African asylum seekers on his show and he’s extremely respectful. There’s no question that he might hate black people, he just doesn’t. His show is the only tolerable thing on RTE right now. In fact it’s good and he always comes off as a respectful nice sort.

Talking about Tommy generally, he definitely went through a period after his initial big success where he started shouting a lot on stage and not being very witty or intelligent or subtle. He dropped down to the audience’s level and a lot of his fans seemed to be drunken idiots. (That’s probably always been his problem, it was the problem with the anti-semitic incident as well) The 90s were an interesting cultural time in Ireland, huge energies were being released. You could get a big laugh by basically just shouting on stage that priests were a pack of paedophiles. He was probably an over-rated comedian for a while after his initial brilliant start but he eventually calmed down and I think he got back on track fairly well. You have to remember that almost everyone turns into a cunt for a few years after they get famous and the hero worship for Tommy Tiernan as a heroic force for cultural change was intense (even though I know that sounds absolutely ridiculous now). This was also a man with serious mental health difficulties and a very painful personal life. I’d say the amount of sex and drugs he was having at the time would frighten you. There was no chance that someone like that would be able to stay grounded all the time throughout that period in his life. Now he seems back on track.

So overall I think Tommy is ok and his chatshow is good.


What do you think of malaki…with a k?

Your man from last week being completely dismissed is a bit much. I missed the very start of him but I think his point was that asking a fella who has lived his whole life in drogheda where he’s really from because he’s black is insulting to him. Surely that’s fair enough. It’s not the end of the world but surely something we can watch out for too as this is the first ever generation of irish people who are also black. It’d be like Ian Wright saying he was from South London and asking him ‘yeah but where are you really from?’

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The racists lack introspection

He didn’t,yer man assumed everyone who asks him that was asking “where are you really from”.He came across as a wanker