Tommy Tiernan

Lay off @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy lads. I’m sure he has a good reason for an unprovoked attack on a poor lad doing his job

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ok guys, i can confirm there is zero truth to @mac story

Or “boy” as he called him


Sure what else would a racist say?

Rebrand on the way for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy . Maybe @cecil_rhodes

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@the_racist_giant has a nice ring to it


exactly what @Mac said above

that because tommy tiernan slags all races @Mac thinks its cool

" I said a spritzer, not a Sprite"


Thought Eileen flynn came across very well there. Very very rare to see a traveller woman or any traveller on TV good role model for finishing school etc

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She said what needed saying without being dramatic

Jinx lennon. He’s fairly well known. Pops up on my Spotify algorithm if I’m listening to damo dempsey or declan o rourke. He’s an acquired taste but not too bad.

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Yeah the fact she didn’t get absolute dogs abuse here means she must have done OK

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She was very impressive. You couldn’t find fault with what she was saying.

It’s an issue that deserves discourse and proper discourse

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Is the solo podcast he does any good?

Do you like tommy ?

Mostly, though I wasn’t a massive fan of some of his stand up. I think he generally works better with other people, especially Hector, rather than on his own

Most entertainment is better with two people. If you struggle with his standup I’d say give it a swerve