Tommy Tiernan

This lad is cracked.

He’s brilliant… But bonkers.

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You love to see passion in a human.

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I’d say he paid a clane fortune for that jacket without a collar.
Tommy’s getting a bit Michael d here

There’s so much power in mythology and it’s sad we’ve lost it… Not just Irish mythology but all language and myths


Who are you telling man. It’s all around me

You need to embrace and ponder it. You don’t have to believe it but to outright dismiss that stuff is weak.

And even though the “facts” of the stories might not be real, the message usually is.


My grandmother is a ferociously religious woman, mass every day all her life and at the same time shes from rural west clare and remembers the old ways and believes old piseogs as much.

Theres a power from her with kindness.
I think organised religion has down despicable deeds removing this power from people

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I’ve great respect for people who can talk and tell stories , my father us phenomenal , he had the young fella terrified over Christmas there telling him about poll a phuca in foynes and stories about dandelions and hawthorn trees…
id say you can tell a good story yourself…fellas who are comfortable in their own skin I find are excellent at it


The travellers are the closest to the old ways that’s left in Ireland outside of academics.

Not the young ones. The older travellers. They remember a lot and remember the land

And they have stories and can tell them. It’s a shame we’ve marginalised them


I’m all for legends, I won a senior county and ulster club medal when I was but 15 years of age

What are you doing here at this hour? One of your MP’s, Mr. Wilson indicated on Radio this morning that you were in a post-apocalyiptic situation with food, fuel and many essentials all but exhausted. I said to the wife that I was concerned for your welfare and very existence. Her reply was curt enough, 2 words, the last one being HIM…


That woman has enough problems without worrying about me


You’re spot on there lad.

Manchan is a stone cold legend. The world needs the likes of him. Mad as fuck, and privileged too, but jesus if a tenth of our population had his integrity then the world would be a far better place.


absolutely man.
its something I’ve become a lot more aware of with the kids… I hate doing a sindo and saying “we,” as a generalisation but irish mythology is something incredible and also the stories about the land and the superstitions…


You’re up around Tara are you? The missus is a Meath woman so I go up around it a good bit, there and Kells.

As I’m getting that bit older and more comfortable the cynicism is leaving and I’m becoming more comfortable in my skin and open to these things.

There is definitely something magnetic around the likes of Tara.

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Odysseus and calypso subplot from the odyssey is a great story…he could have stayed there on the island immortal and knocking the hole off a cracker every morn but gave it all up to go back to the old neighbourhood to what he knew…

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If you can get your hands on Joseph Campbell’s Power of Myth watch it. He’s like the GOAT of mythology.

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I’m more at the level now of irish myths and legends volume 23 by folens