Tommy Tiernan


Has Eddie been on with tommy yet? Now that would be class

Ah man. I’m gone into this for an hour. Thanks


You’re the bull, you’re the bull, you’re the bull!

Great stuff @TreatyStones
bring back the profile pic

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Irish Faeries kick the shite out of disney Fairies.

Many’s the night or more I gave in Baile Bhuirne in my youth and the stories from the locals about the Top Of Coome and the piseogaire and the divilment of the hoors would put the heart crossways in you.

The drink and the few oul drugs would mask a lot of it but when the older folk of the ceantar go quiet at the mentioning of mist covered mountains and disappearings and freak accidents you’d get a sense of something deep and other worldly.

My hands were covered in warts as a child. One October night the ould lad, God be good to him, draped black slugs all over my fingers before sticking them on the thorns of a hawthorn bush. Ne’er more a wart till I hit the college and met girls from town.

Don’t fuck with the Fairies lads.


Just listened there having a little lay in.

A serious achievement. Did you play Minor for Derry?

A good mate of mine from Drumkeerin pulled a saucepan of boiling water down on top of himself as a toddler and made shit of his face.The hospital said there was fuck all they could do for him and he’s be scalded for life. We’ll his father took him to another auld lad in Dowra who had the “cure” for burns.Brought him in to his auld cottage, yer man licked his face where it was scaled and low and behold his burns disappeared shortly afterwards.


Thanks buddy. Tbh I found it very hard to motivate myself after that…I realised that god had given me an unfair advantage over other men, and I took no further pleasure in on field achievements.
I did go on to become arguably the second best chess player in my school



I gained nearly an inch in height there as I slowly stretched out of my oppressed muldoon lurch.

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Tommy getting a good tune out of one of Irelands greatest ever sportstars here


Paddy Johns was a great lad

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I’m going to get battered for this but I think O Driscoll is an alright sort.


Great interview

O’Driscoll has always come across as sound and a bit of craic.

It won’t suit the TFK narrative though.


Always thought he was the grandest too.

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He is grand