Tommy Tiernan

Some hussey on now

guess what lads ! Last night I was drinking with the team …

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O Driscoll always came across as sound, him and Huberman look to be decent sorts.

Hussey is a bit of a dose

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How did she end up on that show I wonder? Not like she has an agent hawking her around or anything

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Whatever she is that’s an excellent point she and Tommy make about random chance …anyone could go any direction bar the slightest intervention from someone else …

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I think she told the story to give herself a random pat on the back

I think she’s seen enough in front of her to be allowed make the point…furthermore she didn’t take much credit for what happened and described herself as just the instrument in the process .

She did fuck all for poor aul Phil Lynott

That was a grand chat with O’Driscoll. Seems like an alright sort

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Ah maybe so. She came across as a bit self satisfied but that sort of preachy middle class Dublin aul one always piss me off

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That’s rather harsh. She fined him 5 large in lieu of a criminal conviction. Judge Hussey was in command of her brief, no visa for Philip’s upcoming US tour with conviction.

Just because she gave you 120 hrs community service for 4 bald tyres shouldn’t cloud your opinion.
She seemed an alright sort to me, not selling a book or moaning about pubs not opening.


I was joking about Phil. I still thought she was a blowhard

Pure shite tonight.

Worst show he’s done yet. Hopefully back to normal next week.

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Leitrim folk, I hear, laud any judge to deflect from the late Justice Ó hUdaigh’s home truths about their character.

She has that old posh Dublin accent. You never hear any older person with what we know as the D4 Ross o Carroll Kelly accent. Who was the first person ever to have it? It spread like covid then all round the country.

Jonathan Philbin Bowman.


Mariam O’Callaghan

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Two good nominees there. Who’d be older?