Tommy Tiernan

Ah stop ffs.

Tommy didn’t have to do too much tonight. All the guests were mad for talk. Tommy just had to listen. Granted something beyond most interviewers.


I have . I will say no more . I like tommy fwiw . A sound skin

So you actually think the stick insect is worth his salary??

Ah no I can see why some people wouldn’t like the show… Some people like Corry, some like the Wire

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That was a top drawer show. Pity they didn’t finish with this


No - his salary is utterly insane . I never said he is worth it .


Tubridy is woeful at his job. It’s all superficial, faux concern and it always comes back to him for a finish. Tiernan doesn’t give a fuck on one level, but he’s also very interested in what makes people tick and knows when to talk and when to shut up.


Given the talent Tubs has, I’d benchmark his salary just a few quid above the average industrial wage.


Agree with you in the main although I think lads are eulogising this a bit much .

Also TFK needs a cranky aul fucker to go against the grain in each thread .

I would not watch the LLS in the main . The TT show is decent and watchable .

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Can’t argue

Lord Jesus, that’s phenomenal.

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Wonderful .

Some like checkers, some like chess

What a wonderful young woman, embracing Irish culture. @Lazarus and the likes will be fuming that they didn’t spend the night talking about George Floyd.


Its great when someone can hear a great song and hear another great song within it. John Coltrane’s ‘cover’ of favourite things or Hendrix’s all along the watchtower etc.


‘“ I’ve lost the need to be full of shit “ and “ I’ve lost the need to entertain other people who are full of shit “…what brilliant statements …great interview


Good interview with Dunphy but I dislike Eamo’s about to burst into tears at any minute demeanour

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Wow! That was exquisite.

It was a great show. I can still remember May 02 hiding in the back of a summer job hanging on every word during the Saipan shitshow. Robert Fisk was enlightening on it also.

The fact Tiernan runs the show without any reference to Covid is the best thing. It’s a smashing escape. Cunts like Tubs push it into every interview.