Tommy Tiernan

The story goes one of Manson’s entourage, a PA or some such dose, went into the local in the days before the wedding and spoke of her ‘tier 1’ client and asked for exclusive access to the premises for 48hours for a large wedge…

The owner declined the offer and told her the best he could do was reserve a few tables in the lounge for cocktail sausages and sandwiches :rofl:



A great yarn that!

I gave the podcast another go last week, hit and miss i thought, the condom stuff at the beginning was very funny, Hectors story about the camp was a bit shit really and they dragged the arse out of it, I don’t remember much else.
But Tommy is brilliant in fairness, you’d have to feel sorry for the other two, theyt haven’t a hope with him in the studio.


I’ve moved to Tommy’s own podcast, far better than listening to that dose Hector and the laughing jackass from Mayo.


He has his own wan?

He does.


I listened to a bit of one and he disappeared up his own hole a bit talking about pool. What are the best episodes?

I listened to the first 3 today while splitting timber. He goes off on mad tangents alright but has his humour mixed in.

The last one was a bit weird as Hector did most of the talking. I’d say the fall down the stairs impeded Tommy a bit. He’d usually talk much more himself.

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I think Hector gets a bit of a hard time because we got too much of him a few years ago. I think he is a master story teller. Tommy obviously is the main draw but Hector is v good too. Laurita makes the tae I’d say.


I like Hector in general, like his travel shows always, seems like decent craic

But in a room with Tommy Tiernan, it’s like a pub guitarist jamming with Jimmi Hendrix, the funny bits of Hectors stories in the episodes I’ve heard were all Tommy’s comments, Tommy is a comic genius, I’m not mad about his TV show really but on stage he’s outstanding

Lads need to relax their expectations… It’s just the three of them having a yarn. It’s a grand easy listen… Theres moments of genuine LOL in them. Last week’s one wasn’t great, I reckon Tommy was fucked from fall. The episode from a couple if weeks ago with Tommy talking about Barcelona was brilliant. I think Hector is s great story teller . Obviously adds a bit for effect, we all do that, but he’s a genuine sort.


For me good storytelling isn’t necessarily about punchlines. It’s painting a picture and Hector does that really well. Tommy is obviously the funnier of the pair but they compliment each other nicely.

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I’d say I’m done with it TBH, there’s so much choice now that I’m not gonna give it a third go,
I like them both but it isn’t for me :man_shrugging:

Jaysus, I think there’s very few good podcasts out there. I’ve tried loads but I can’t stand true crime or most sports ones. It’s rare you find a podcast where the participants are just shooting the breeze, a grand once a week 45 mins…

What other ones would you recommend? I’d like a good history but most of them bore me to tears, very little originality.

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This isn’t the place to recommend any of the 25 fantasy NFL podcasts I listen to every week mate

Where should I start with Tommy and Hector mate? Are the episodes thematic or based on current events? Should one start at the start or go to the most recent episode ?

You can jump in any where really as they’re not relevant to anything what’s going on in the world bar maybe talk of Christmas. They’re just a grand switch off with some laugh out loud moments in the mix… there’s a few filler episodes also this like this week’s one. I’ll see if I can recall which one’s were really good… Tommy’s trip to Barcelona was brilliant.

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The yarn Hector told about spending 18mths out on Inis Meain was very good.


The Hothouse Flowers on last night :clap:

They played DCU Rag week in 2002 and finished with this song. They were none too happy when I at the front in pure roaster mode kept asking them all night to play Always Take The Weather with you. Twas only the following day I realised it wasn’t their song. Pure thick with the drink so I was.