Tommy Tiernan

I liked his yarn about the trans Siberian express on this weeks one but the Inis Meain one was excellent.


Agreed lads… Inis meain story was very good. He adds to the stories of course but the man has gone and thrown himself into experiences most people wouldn’t. You have to respect him for it.

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He could have his own podcast talking about some of the experiences he had with the travel show. The two lads hop off each other. It’s a great podcast.


Tommy’s producers breaking all the rules here with Ardal

Does Tommy go out of his way to dress as the max hipster power cock. Why’s he wearing a hat indoors

He’s going bald.

You’re family must really love you lad

There’s a strange realisation of mortality when you watch the likes of Dougal growing older.

Tommy’s outfit looks class

If there was an award for the worst comedian ever, Ardal would win it. A brave man.

Jason Byrne


A safe runner up.

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Didn’t mean to upset the baldy fraternity

You’re an awful man.

Fuck no

This fella is fascinating tbf. The genius of Tommy is he asks the questions you want asked, that you’d ask yourself if you were there. Plus there’s the inner eejit in him which reaches out to all of us.


Brilliant interview.

It’s just a great fucking show.

This guy is more interesting than anyone who has been on the late late in the last five years.

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That was a fantastic interview. The doctor came across very well. He even vindicated adult gamers by stating that he plays COD.

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I’d say he’s riding a young wan.