Tommy Tiernan

I’ve done a lot of wandering in lockdown. Two things have struck me.
One; there is an unreal amount of houses vacant. Not just in poorer areas but in general. I assume some of these have complicated issues behind them, owner in a nursing home, a complicated will etc but there’s a lot of houses in “nice areas” that would sell that are just empty for whatever reason. There should be something brought in to force these onto the market for rental even.
Two; there is a huge amount of green spaces that are just completely useless. Greens that never have a sinner on them, just grass for the council to cut. I would put something useful on them, basketball courts or something, plant them with trees or let them grow wild or something or build houses on them


You get the feeling a lot of green space in estates etc is deliberately built in such a fashion as to be no good for young lads to play a match

Even if the council threw up a set of goals on these greens it would make a difference. They could probably get local clubs to fund it

Most of the people with any bit of say in the council from what I can see are based outside of even county Limerick. A lot of them don’t have any ties etc to the city at all.

Regeneration just seemed to involve knocking houses and re-building very little back.

Maybe its a question of funding, hard to know, I think more so though the powers that be in the council just couldnt care less really.

I believe an awful lot of folk (especially the retired folk - my parents included) have decamped down to West Clare and the likes. Might be a reason for a few of the nicer homes being empty.

Wasn’t Geroid Hegarty even staying down in Ballybunnion in recent times?

I’m talking about houses that have clearly been empty a long time

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Ah OK. Carry on

@Phil_Leotardo sticks in a mention of the house in Spanish Point every chance he gets. He’s worse than that Reggie lad below in Cark


Something came into my head recently to ask you about in relation to the area. Forgotten it again.
When I think of it, will be another chance to go on about it sure. I’m only living for the inheritance like

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No fear he’d offer us a few days use

My e buddies can have a special 1% discount

Bag of winkles thrown in too

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Toothpicks extra

Joanne after getting a gig with rte doing the interviews here at the trials… brilliant stuff. fair play to her and rte for giving her a break :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


Her parents must be exploding with pride at what she’s achieved in her life with all that she’s had to fight for.
She seems like a fabulous girl whoever you hear her talk, brimming with positivity,


Not been funny but she ever think of getting prosthetic limbs?

Maybe the thought never struck her… Fuckit a big miss on their part


Kvelling. The K is silent.

A lovely word.

Means bursting with pride or satisfaction over the accomplishments of one’s loved ones


Sitka spruce is your answer. I have the Coillte number if you wanna proceed.

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Amazing story of surrogacy on Tommy tiernan show …what a friend to have …some gift .