Tommy Tiernan

Where does the American accent come from ffs? Castletroy?

Jimmy White - Brilliant interview
Charlene McKenna - Incredible insight
Brush Shiels - like talking to a lad spaced off his brains in an early house


Charlene pushed Jimmy into the runner up position again.


Jimmy is a gent … I drank with him once many years ago … just a normal bloke …


My only knowledge of Brush Shiels is from him being interviewed on TV. I know he plays guitar from these interviews but does he actually exist in real life. I’ve never come across him from memory.

Anyway catching up on Tommy tonight for the last few episodes. Thought the interviews with Brent Pope and Jimmy White were the kinds of interviews you would have watched for four hours.

Denise Chalia is indeed a very good looking woman.

tea? coffee?

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That was a great interview but mainly due to Charlene I thought.

Tiernan didn’t know her either why was a bit strange.

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Brush is a manic kind of lad who was a mini-star fro about a year when his band Skid Row had a bit of success in the early 70’s. They were unlikely to ever headline at Slane but they certainly were the main draw at the Rooskey Rocks festival circa 1972.
I’m glad to see he’s still alive and in middling form, he was always eccentric. An alright sort.


He got his nickname cos he was shite at pool.

He is an alright sort. We met him after a gig in Swamp Critters years ago (after he mocked our check shirts from the stage earlier) and he tolerated our drunken bullshit and chatted away.

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All kinds of shit. I wonder if these lads will look back on this video in 10 years time and realise how fucking stupid they look.

He was flat out in the 90s playing the big busy pubs in London anyways.

I’ve no idea who she is. I googled her and still don’t know

Bizarre you wouldn’t know the lead actress from a show you often went on about.



Which show?

Wasn’t she Scoby’s sidekick in Pure Mule?

I’d be fairly sure I’ve seen about 2 episodes of Pure Mule in my life, but I’m happy for someone ( @TreatyStones @locke ) to dig up a post suggesting otherwise. I do recall them loving red diesel alright, but after that :man_shrugging:

Truth be told I couldn’t remember a single actor from that show. I must be getting old

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She was the main character in Raw as well

Never watched it. Was that the one with Huberman?