Tommy Tiernan


Brush is well known to my generation for his appearances on the beat box in the early 90s, Smiley Bolger was another , BP Fallon had a similar level of celebrity, Brush always seemed like a sound fella, slightly tapped.
Didn’t he run a 13 second 100m when he was in his 70s, some going, and wearing his hat/beret as well.

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Brush was a staple on the Late Late Show in Byrne’s time.

File under Brendan O’Carroll and Tom O’Connor.

He used to play the festivals in the 70’s.

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Ahem….Headlined festivals in the 70’s is the term.

Well playing the marquee for the Kilmallock festival or the Charleville Cheese Festival is hardly headlining. Tweed and The Indians and Joe Dolan used to play as well. And The Champions.

What about Shaun O’Dowd and Ding a Ling?

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You’re stretching things now……Gina, Dale Haze….FFS.
Brush was leagues ahead of those you referenced Joe Dolan excepted.

I’ve seen Shaun perform in very early 2020. While he was never the tallest, his entire appearance is commensurate with looking at a dried prune with a bit of purple fluff stuck on the top.

It was one of those Ronan Collins roadshow thingys, support acts being Shaun, the Swarbriggs (Away in a Home material) and Linda Martin who shouldn’t stand near a warm fire….

The things we get dragged to….


Someone gave that cunt a microphone in Croke Park before a game a few years back and he was up and down the sideline like a wet cat sqauling and squaking into the crowd. The fucking game had started and he was still at it. Jesus Christ I all but jumped out over the wall and hit him a dunt. The cunt.


A great band. And the The Memories, Denis Allen, Bagatelle, Dickie Rock

Limericks finest musical export until the Cranberries. Denis Allen was lead guitarist with Ding a Ling.

And there was Gimik. I think Jon Kenny was with them. My neighbour played the drums.

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This fella has some outlook on life. Fair play


Tommy getting into the weeds here.

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That actress was fair boring. Tommy got no tune out of her at all.


Another high flying UL grad on the telly, saved all her life to go to Limerick :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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There’s nothing as boring as an artistic type who takes themselves seriously


Name the dictators, Tommy is trying to get this one on a hitlist