Tommy Tiernan

There is that. Eligible for the auld birds thread too.

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She’s an awful dose. Her poetry should land her up in front of The Hague.


He’s a decent sort, that lad. Crap soccer player though, my nephew tells me!

Have you read much of her work? A terrible indictment if you haven’t. The real greats take a while to blossom. Yer’ man Bono was ran outa’ places in the early days. Imelda could * snatch a Nobel for poetry yet and you’d have to rebrand fairly lively then.

  • Might be stretching it somewhat.

Imelda has never been given enough credit for being a woman

I like Imelda.

I went to see this buck in Killarney last night.Hes a bold cunt.Funny as fuck.


Keano is one odd fish. Why the fuck did he even agree to it ffs :joy:

That sex therapist was a ride though


Keane was very guarded … Tommy was struggling to find a way to liven him up

Very defensive. Tommy asks stupid questions tbf but sure Keane must have had some idea what he was facing. He doesn’t need the money or the exposure, so why the fuck would he agree to it only to be a contrary cunt

Guilt about letting the country down when we most needed him I’d say and trying to curry his image slightly better in Ireland.

Not that he did that by all accounts.

Do you think Roy Keane has an image problem in Ireland?

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The demographic that housed Michael Duignan’s Dad (RIP I believe). Older folks who always liked their sport, but didn’t have SKY. Roy Keane wouldn’t be as immediately liked by that age I’d imagine.

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Jesus he didn’t give much away. That had potential to be way better you’d imagine. One or two in crowd roaring laughing at Keane saying anything then.

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Here comes the Cork wagons

Tiernan did his usual attempt of a Freudian analysis of Keane.

‘I’m sensing……’

Talk about believing his own hype.

The questions around marriage were bizarre. ‘All women want security and relationships, I wonder does that cause conflict in your marriage?’

File under asking Amy Huberman about having shame around sex.

Tiernan has gone up his own hole. Jumped the shark and as @farmerinthecity said, he believes the hype.

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On my drive to work (morning @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy) this morning, it mentioned on ‘It says in the papers’ on Morning Ireland that someone walked out of one of Tiernan’s gigs over the weekend.

Took offence to one of his ‘jokes’.

Keane made reference numerous time to drinking in his younger days. He said that he met his wife over a few pints.

He also said that he doesn’t drink anymore.

There surely should have been a question in there about why he stopped and whether he had a problem with it.