Tommy Tiernan

"'So I was at the zoo the other day and looking at the penguins, they are like little nuns walking around with rosary beads.

"Then the wolves were so Irish fierce/strong then we went to the African Savannah and …… it was full of taxi drivers!’

“Ok now I’m looking at a room of white faces and everyone is laughing so I think I’m ok it wasn’t a racist joke.”

Cancel him now!!!

I’ve never found Tiernan funny and think he’s a pretty shit comedian to be honest.

You’d worry for his audience on Friday if they laughed at the ‘joke’ described. It’s just not funny and that’s not even getting to the racist connotation of it.

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I found him offensive enough to Zac Moradi when he interviewed him.

He has previous with comments on Down Syndrome and Jews.

There was an undercurrent of racism in the podcast as well

It’s like Tommy Cooper never died

If anyone were impervious to psychoanalysis it is Roy Keane. Tommy Tiernans repeated attempts to break him down were cringeworthy and made for very uncomfortable viewing. His new drip is quite a divergence from the woolly cap and street clothes that he used wear. Once you start believing in your own hubris it never ends well.

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Keane acted the cunt on some fairly straight forward question as well though


What did he say that was offensive to Moradi? I can’t remember the interview. Marc Maron (a Jew) should have questioned Tiernan more on why he never got any following in America in the recent podcast. I thought he would have known the background perhaps.

Passive aggressive things like ‘You fairly stood out when you arrived in Leitrim’ and ‘I’d say the women would never have seen the likes of your before and would have been all over you’ - stuff like that.

Like what?

There was loads of questions which were innocuous enough and he just gave one word answers.

Like what??

Hardly Freudian … That’s the most basic way to try to get someone to open up … you own the comment that follows as opposed to saying it as if it’s a fact or an accusation , …
Keane was giving him nothing to work with … he was too guarded … I thought huberman was working off a script and had nothing to say left or right of that … very hard to interview people like that …

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Did you find fatherhood challenging?

No not really.

Keane was answering like he was in a court room, not an interview

Yeah, a bit sleazy alright.

Keane is probably sick of having to play up to the fawning Paddy. He’s much happier across the water.

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Successful Irish people in Britain like Keane are too exotic for someone of Tiernan’s calibre and line of thought


I didn’t see that interview but I don’t see much wrong with either statement there tbh.

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This thread is peak TFK.
3 years ago,The Tommy Tiernan show is great he shits all over Tubs,he should be hosting the Late Late.
2023 Tommy Tiernan is a racist,he’s gone way up his own hole,he should be cancelled.:grin::grin::grin: